

A Spiders Work is Never Done (NSFW)
The spider crawled across the sleeping girl’s face and into her ear. It made its way down the ear canal, across the temporal lobe and onto the frontal. It found a spot and burrowed deep into the gray matter.
Next, the spider sought out the girl’s mind. The chewy center that made a person, well, a person. It created a room within her mind, and placed the girl inside, shutting and locking the door. It made sure that, when awake, she would see and feel everything. The spider was nothing if not thorough.
The spider then took control of the girl's body. Moved a finger. Shook an arm. Lifted a leg. Wiggled a big toe. Once it felt comfortable the spider stood up and walked into the garage. It went to a work table and selected a hammer, duct tape and a soldering iron.
Now came its favorite part. Waking up the audience. It went back inside the girls mind, and knocked on the door it had created earlier.
The girl was confused at first. Then angry. Then panicked when she looked out and saw the spider looking back. It appeared huge to the girl, and she recoiled from it. Good it thought.
Taking the hammer, the spider walked her body up the stairs and into the parents room. It stood over their bodies and struck the father first, and the mother second. It was careful to only use the necessary force to knock them out, not to kill. It taped them much like it would when wrapping up an insect that fell into a web. Satisfied with its work, the spider dragged the parents into the garage.
The spider turned around, and went back into the girl’s mind to check that she could see and feel what her body could see and feel. She could. She asked what was happening, why it was happening and what was going to happen. Spiders can’t talk though. They can’t even smile, no matter how much they might want too.
The spider carefully arranged the bodies of the parents until it had them perfectly positioned for what was about to come.
It plugged the soldering iron in, and woke up the parents while it waited for the iron to heat up. They struggled a bit, and their eyes took on a film of fear when they looked up at their daughter. The spider used the girls eyes to examine the mothers sex. It took the soldering iron, now hot, and showed it to the mother. It lightly pulled the soldering iron across the mothers skin from the navel to the pubis. It stopped and looked for a moment. It located the fleshly hood, and pulled it back until the clitorius was visible. It stabbed into it with the soldering iron. Holding it there until it heard the clitorus bubble, blister and pop. The mothers eyes rolled back in her head, and her body bucked with pain. When it shoved the iron into her vagina it made sure to scrape and burn the entirety of the uterus. Smoke began to pour out, fluids gushed and it smelled the not unpleasant smell of burning meat. When it took the iron out of her body she collapsed, head hanging at a boneless angle, mewling in agony.
It set the soldering iron to the side, and turned toward the father. It used the girl’s arm to reach toward the fathers crotch, and her fingers started slowly massaging. It nuzzled at the rising bulge, before unzipping his pants and bringing him out. It licked his shaft before taking him into the girl’s mouth. It took off the girls shorts, and slid the panties down around her ankles. It stroked the father until his erection was solid, and sat on his penis. The father wept, moaned, his eyes bulging, his head shaking violently back and forth until he finally shuddered and went limp.
The spider turned inward once more to check on the girl. It found her curled on the floor, gibbering and broken.
The spider once again took up the hammer and used it to bludgeon the mother and father until their heads were pulp. It stood over the bodies, and looked at its work. It heard the girl screaming deep inside her own mind.
It opened the door in her mind and let her fully out. She collapsed on the floor, spent and violated.
The spider crawled out of her ear, gently across her face and disappeared into a small crack it found in the concrete.