

(One's true colours can be dull....)

"Oops You'll be late . Hahaha . Leave me , naughty boy . I'll wait for you . "
"Oh Lily . I don't want to go but will have to . I'll see you real soon baby ."

What the fuck did just happened ?
I couldn't form words .
But as soon as the door opened , I said , as if my head was speaking , not me , " I'm glad that I came here to surprise you but instead I was surprised . Well , I will preserve this one for a long time so that a bastard same as you can't cheat on me , and plus Lily came here by the car you gifted her or I should say by the car she begged you to buy her when she was with you , right . Take your infuriating ass away . I am pleased as punch I came to know your true colours before we both took it further . Now , goodbye and get lost ."

There , I said that .
I was like , put it in your hookah pipe and smoke it !!!!
He tried to stop me but there was no regret in his eyes , and when one can't form words , for them eyes are the windows to their soul , and his eyes said enough , or more than I could handle . Well I was glad with myself that I didn't pay attention to that car outside as I got to know the real him .

*Present Day*
Yeah , I was crying beacuse I was cheated . Because I loved him . And because I didn't listen to my momma .
Well , I will move on . I will have to . There is no point sticking to one bad note of your life , you gotta design the extensive book of your life .

Is it with me only or anyone else that when your parents or elders tell you something you listen but then you also try that shit they told you to keep your distance from .
Well I think a little bad experience is a must to get to know how throwing life can be and how you need to keep going . Don't do the mistake I did and yes , listen to your momma.
Now , if you want to try this love thing out too early then be ready for heartbreak coz' darling life can be a forest at times where you are lost and these liars are the snakes of that tree kingdom . But you need to find the main road and head forward .

#2PartOfUBV .

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