

Ten minutes
Over ten minutes a lot of things can happen. A break comes to a begining, a conversation goes done.

A story is written.

Countless of things can happen over ten minutes.

Someone washes their hair in ten minutes, someone gets their heart broken.

And for someone this much time seems like the passing of long years. And they just stand there, thinking, it was only 2013 a moment ago, and now it’s 2023!

Ten minutes are enough for a lot of things.

It’s enough to write cheat notes, it’s enough to complete a homework. To learn a poem in panic you’ve forgotten to. Or anything of your needs.

Ten minutes.

Somewhere ten minutes is a life and somewhere ten minutes is a fall. Somewhere ten minutes is a day, somewhere ten minutes is a year.

A lot of things can be done over ten minutes. A chapter can be read, a piece of music can be learnt.

For someone ten minutes is nothing but for someone it means a life.

Ten minutes...

Ten long minutes...

translation of © Estoria_5 ‘s novel “Ten minutes”, all rights are reserved to her