

so what do you guys think about "ONLINE LOVE " well this story is about a girl name shruti who fell for a boy who lives far away from her. despite of that their love story was become the great story . let's see how they met and how their story got completed !😊💐

~ chapter : 1 ~

spring had just started . April and May—spring rising to its height.first signs of spring: robins returning, crocuses and daffodils blooming, first spring peepers peeping. But by midspring, there is such an incredible richness of living things growing, blooming, mating, and birthing, we hardly know where to begin looking or listening.
shruti was sitting at her window . listening to the birds chirping . she lives in delhi . she has no friends as she was an introvert . one day , she was using internet . suddenly , she found an app "AMINO" she never heard of it . curiously, she download that app ,and made an account .
as the days passed , she met many people there. she thought ,there were only foreign people . but she met a boy and he asked her to joined a Group chat . when she joined it there were many indians .
she talked to some people. one day people were talking there on Voice chat . she heards a boy's voice and she was like "what a melodious voice "👌.

Chapter :2
after some days, she got to know that boy's name was Rishi !.
he talked to her . one day , he asked her to talk in personl . she said : ok I have no problem .
now, they had started to talk in personal chat . they didn't know ,when they get so closed . but shruti started liking him more .
it been 7 months them to know each other . shruti shares all her problems with him as she was a sensitive girl . rishi tries to call her and talks nicely to her . soon they started talking on calls . hours and hours they talk .
shriti started to like him even more than before . she wanna tell him all that too. but....she was afraid that he will dislike her or hate her and she will lose a best friend so she took it as a secret .
after sometimes when shruti left amino for a while as her exams were coming ....
2 months passed....
Rishi never called her to ask if she is ok or not. well,shruti didnt mind that and she again started to use Amino. she tries to talk to Rishi but he rarely messages him . he started yo talking another girl , a friend of her said that ....
she was like .....what ... why ....did i do something wrong ?
but she waited and expect in Rishi to be like before he used to be . but it has been 1 year ....
he didn't messaged her .... shruti was disturb and surrounded by many questions..
but ho one was going to Answer her ...
then she decided that she will never use that App or she won't make any friends like him . she will always stay away from boys . she spend her night by crying .

Chapter : 3

she has moved on .it's been 2 year she left using social media. she has become a good teacher . and she was happy with what she has .
one day she git a call . it was his brother she made on Amino .
brother : hey shruti ,how are u ?
shruti : I am good brother, you?
brother : I am fine . there is something I wanna tell you !
shruti : yes brother !, what it is ?
brother: umm.... Actually, I am going to get married this month . and I want you to come her .
shruti : congratulations! I will surely come in your wedding . after all I wanna visit kerala .
* call ended *
she packed her bag . she was excited . she told her mother about it . and after 3 days she went to his brother's state . when she arrived there she called him but he didn't picked up . she decided to go at his place by her own . she get out of the airport . she went to a taxi . there was already a boy . she hesitated to go in ...
that boy : hey ! come in . it is going to be rain .
she went in . and she got to know he was also going to his brother ' s house .
to be continued.....

Chapter :4

finally!, they reached to his brother's house . her brother came to welcome them . she hugs him and she get in the house . she almost forgot about that but , she came with . when she got in the house , she saw all arrangements . as she loves south indian culture , she asked his brother's mother -
shruti : Aunty can I help u ?
Aunty : why not !first , you go and change your cloths , have some rest .
shruti : ok aunty !
brother : let me show you your room , shruti .
shruti : ok brother !
they walked to upstairs . she noticed the boy . then she asked her brother .
shruti : brother , who is he ?
brother : you must know him shruti .he was one of the member on amino and also your friend.
shruti: really? . I didn't recognized him .
brother :oh he is...(someone called him from behind )
oh shruti , you go to room . I will introduce you both . and come fast downstairs the function is about to begin .
shruti : okay brother . I will be there.
she went into the room. and locked the room . suddenly , someone came from bathroom .
he was the boy she came with . he was in towel .
shruti *screams *: wh....why are you here ???
that boy : what do you mean !
it's my room . how come you here ?
shruti : wha..what ! oh sorry !
your are right
*she went out with embarrassment*
shruti * to herself *: oh god !

she went in her room . took bath and dressed up . she wore a yellow dress with jhumkas with open hair . she was looking gorgeous . when she was going downstairs, she got to see that boy. he glance at her and passed without saying a word .
shruti went to aunty and asked her if there is something to do . she said go to your brother and help him to decide what to wear . she went to his brother's room . she was surprised!
to be continued.....

Chapter :5
there were many boys and she remember those guys .
shruti : wow! rohan , aman ,Rishab ...I didnt know you guys would be here too !
rishab : whyyy. ..he is also our brother . You tell , why did you left animo . we missed you
shruti *sadly * : Aww.. I missed you guys too...I didn't thought I will meet you guys again .
Rohan : well well...now we have met again lete make our brother's wedding memorable .
*suddenly Rishi enters in the room *
Aman : omg ! look who is here our master ! .
Rishab : Rishi master !
suddenly shruti was like what !! is he really Rishi . That's why I felt something that I know him .
Rohan*to shruti * : so you guys finally met huh ! you know shruti when you left amino he was looking for you .
shruti and Rishi started staring at each other ....
shruti : o-ook you guys talk Aunty was looking for me .
Aman : seems like someone blushing huh !
shruti : huh wh-who!
Rishab : you don't know ?
everyone started laughing except Rishi and shruti left the room rushly .
Rohan* indirectly to Rishi *: don't you guys think she was looking hot huh what you think Rishi ?
Rishi : what do you mean . don't look her like perv (・ัω・ั)
Rohan : yeah yeah of course . we knew that!
after the function they all went on roof and suddenly Shruti and some girls reach there .
Rohan : oh look who is here !
shruti : don't be kidding ... like you don't know who am I !
Rohan : yeah I know . so let's play something ....like T and D !
Aman : why not !* excitedly *
brother : okay you guys play . I will go to sleep !
shruti : oh really brother ?? I thought bhabhi would be waiting for you to call her !*teasing *
brother : * blushes * oh really ...how you know this much huhuh 😂
he left them and went this room .
Aman * screams * : oye Rishi !! come here what are you doing in the corner ?
Rishi : coming!
shruti *in mind * : will he play too??
Rohan. : okay let's start ! so the sequence in
Aman , Rishab, me , Rishi's turn and then shruti .
after some round, it was Rishi's turn !
Rohan : I will ask him ! T or D ?
Rishi : T
Rohan : ok so tell me ....have ever fallen for someone ?
Rishi : yes !
rohan : who??
Rishi : you can only ask one question dude !
shruti got sad when she heard hum. she still like him somehow .
rohan : Nice play Rishi huh .okay so next is Shruti !
shruti : ok I will choose D
Aman : oohooo! brave girl ....well we won't give you tough task you just need to dance with Rishi on our fav song
Shruti : really ? Aman don't you have anything?
rohan *teas* :why anything else can't you do this huh
shruti : um..I don't have problem I can do it !
Rishab : ok then Rishi do u have any ?
Rishi: not at all ...!
*plays a romantic song *
Rishi holds her hands and puts hands on her waist .
shruti was so nervous and she got goosebumps...she suddenly stops dancing ..
Shruti : I a-am feeling sleepy am going to sleep .
she rushed to her room. then rohan Aman and rishab suddenly started staring at each other ...
meanwhile rishi thinks why does she went all of a sudden ..
the next morning was wedding day . everyone was helping to prepareing things ... suddenly shruti bump into Rishi . her dress got destroyed.
Rishi:sorry, i didn't mean it .
Shruti :It's ok . bit I had only this dress for the wedding .
Aunty : don't worry beta .I have a dress for you . if you want you can use it .
shruti : are you sure aunty ?
aunty : yeah... rest of you do fast the bride will be coming .
she went to the room with aunty. the traditional South Indian wedding started . everyone was sitting at the chairs . everyone was happy and brother was also happy.
shruti enters into the hall . she was in traditional look . and was looking gorgeous in saari . she was caught by Rishi's eyes . both hitter their eyes . after the wedding .she went to the room and Rishi wanted to talk to her so he followed her to her room .
Shruti was changing suddenly Rishi enters in the room.
Shruti : wwhy-why are you here ??
Rishi *turns back* : sorry but I don't know you are changing . but I wanted to talk to you .
shruti : ok please go outside :
Rishi went out of the room then shruti called him after a while .
shruti : So tell me what do you wanted to talk so urgently ?
Rishi: shruti I wanna know why are you avoiding me ?
shruti: really? you don't know ?there was a time you avoided me back then ! so why can't I ?

Rishi : what ? what are you even talking about ? I never avoided you !
shruti : don't lie Rishi !, why you just stopped talking to me ? why you talking to other girls like you guys are couple ?

Rishi: what*laughs * ? you thought that was me ? no Shrtui
wait, were jealous of those girls huh I see ..

Shruti : no-not at all ...i-i was just asking ...and what do you mean that was you?

Rishi : yeah, I had an car accident for what I had to admitted in hospital for 6 months !that's why didn't talked to anyone. and my cousin was using my ID .

shruti : *facepalm* what really and I thought you liked some else ...

Rishi : yeah you are right ! I like someone ...whom I will.never forget .

shruti *sadly* :Oh who is that girl .you should even tell me.

Rishi : yeah I should have ! don't worry I tell you know close you eyes .
he walked with her to the window . and ask her to open her eyes .
Shruti :what is this .
Rishi : she is the girl I like since I met het .
shruti : really ?
she huged him tightly .

~ The End ~