


From there, some such incidents came to my mind, which left me in a mess.

The entire conflict of the Mahabharata is very similar to my tale. But some events suggested that a director had converted the exact script of the Mahabharata into the Corona film.

Mahabharata is a history. And my narrative is going on at present.
So it cannot be said how long it will last, but it is up to us, in how many days we will complete it.

We well knew it that Mahabharata was a war between the Kauravas and the Pandavas.

But frankly, it was a fight with malice, deceit, trickery, revenge, and anger.

The same thing is happening now with the Corona War.

It is causing so much trouble that no one can do anything about it.
It is not visible to anyone but has created a bunch of disasters.

This invisible demon created a view as if humans are Kauravas, and nature is Pandab.

And humans are going to destroy themselves by coming into this illusion and considering themselves as villains.
As if someone trapped them in the hallucination as an unknown soul.

But humans, you forget that you are part of nature.

As long as humanity is alive inside you, you are a hero; you are Pandava, and you are Abhimanyu.

Oh wow, Abhimanyu!
A unique hero, amiable and brave person. Superhero of that era.

As I took his name, a chapter came to my mind, which compelled me to write this whole story.

Here, my story.

Let me preface first.


During Mahabharata

Bhishma (day1-10), Drona (day11-15), Karna (day16-17), shailya (day18)

In my corona war

Stage 1& 2 (Bhishma), stage 3(Drona), phase 4(Karna), phase5(shailya)

Characters of my story.

Abhimanyu as public,
Guru Drona, Karna, Guru Kripacharya (essential commodities)
Duryodhana , Dushasana, Aswasthama, Kritavarma (unnecessary goods

Arjuna (vaccine), Krishna (patience)

So let me begin my tale.

You almost know who Abhimanyu was? How brave was he? How did he get to death?
Okay! Yet, for those who do not know, I briefly introduce this brave warrior.

He was an elite warrior. And he made a golden history by showing his mighty.

The most challenging vyuha of the Mahabharata is Chakravyuh in which he had killed and that too with deceit.

This is because he knew to go in, but he had no knowledge to come out of there.
For this reason, he got trapped in the vyuh and died there because of the treacherous attack.

We are going through a similar situation right now.
All of you just consider yourself as Abhimanyu and then imagine a bit, that you too will be victims of such a similar incident.

You will say that if this is the case, then I will put my name in Golden History.

But let me tell you that when you have to live in this present, then you can make your name golden by staying in the present, so what will be the benefit of having a golden history?

Think wisely about why anyone would want to become history when they can live a better life in the present.
I would say that some mistakes were made by our brave, amiable hero Abhimanyu.

 In such a dangerous situation, when Arjun(vaccine) was not around there, then why he had shown his valiant effort?

 He considered his enemy weak.
 He did not even know that Chakravyuh would be so heartless.
 Then Krishna (Patience) was crying a lot, even now he is crying a lot.

So if I tell, we are also repeating the same mistake as Abhimanyu did. You will ask what our mistakes are. So listen.

In 1 to 10 days, Bhishma Pitamah was there, some soldiers were dying, but the condition was okay. But when the command goes to Guru Drona, the situation becomes severe.

Meanwhile, on the 13th day, Abhimanyu made a mistake; he did not have to make that one. He had to live; He did not have to make history himself.
Yet because of that mistake, he killed mercilessly.

We are repeating exactly the same circumstances.
The situation was under control when Phase 1, Phase 2 was started.
But as soon as Phase 3 broke out, the site got more critical; the condition became worse.

And we are entering the Coraunavuh, as Abhimanyu.
If you just look from Mahabharata.

In Mahabharata

15,30,900 from the Pandavas
24,05,700 approximately military from Kauravas

And about 12,00,000 horses and elephants with riders were killed.

In corona

If we test it from the current situation, it crosses that level.
Worldwide cases are 5,02,585 deaths.
Where in India this death toll crosses 17,560?

Some of the most prominent countries in this war are

• USA 23,88,225 cases from where it crosses 1,22,611 death records
• Brazil 11,11,348, where 54,407 died
• RUSSIA 5, 99,705 from where 8,359 died
• INDIA 5, 44,615 from where 16,424 died
• ITALY 2,40,760 from where 34,788 died

These countries have a common mistake. Which they did in phase 3 time. This time was the time where they needed to be more vigilant.
After looking at these facts and the figure, we get to know what dreadful situation we are going through.

This is a terrible situation, but trusts me; I do not want to panic you all. I want to warn everyone that we have to win the war, no matter how difficult the situation.

Please, let us try to understand, that to take the country into its custody, Corona Phase 3 has opened its claws. We should not make such a mistake that it will ruin the entire country.
If we are not careful, then when should we be cautious? Even more painful scenes can occur in stage 4, stage 5. And god knows how many lockdowns.
But don’t worry, everything is in our hands, we have to finish it soon.
But we have to keep in mind that unless Arjuna (vaccine) is not there, Abhimanyu (public) should not enter the vyuha (walking the market). Do not turn Krishna (patience) down.

Hope everything will we okay soon just we need to support.

© it's me Raj_shree

# #lockdownthoughts