

What We Have: Dear, Wishing Star
Hello, again!
I hope you can read this. It is written in English language and I really tried my best to write it in a right way.
No Plagiarism, as always! This is only fiction and...thank you!


"Tell me, is your family very important to you? Even you're just their adopted son?" She asked me while she's sweetly smiling at me.

I nodded my head at her. "Yeah, they are very important because I love them. Even I'm just adopted. Even they are not really treating me good, because I love them, they're important to me, yes." I honestly answered her then I smiled back at her with a little...hesitance.

"Hey, I want to tell you a secret!" She shrieked like a child, excitedness and joy were plastered on her face.

I chuckled lightly. "Really? Then you must be very kind for telling me your secret." I raised one of my eyebrow, teasing her.

"No---I mean, this shouldn't be a secret, I forgot. Hehehe, I'm sorry." She told me apologetically. I saw her scratched her nose, like it was some kind of sign of irritation. "Hmm, sometimes my mouth is just...so wrong." She added.

I just shook my head repeatedly. "Fine. What's your secret?" I jokingly asked her.

"I am a wishing star. Wish anything but just one, and I'll grant it!"

"WHAT?!" I almost choked on what I am eating. But yes, we are in a restaurant. "What do you mean you are a wishing star? Am I witnessing a fairytale story?" I asked her, very confuse.

"NO!" She quickly answered while shaking her head. "No, I mean, it's not a fairytale. It's like a hyperbole." She again scratched her nose.

I rolled my eyes at her. "Whatever you will say, Lein. You're weird, right? And what it is with me if you're...a-a wishing s-star, huh?" I asked again, almost stuttering on my words. I don't know. Maybe my emotions are just overflowing. I feel so...happy.

"Oh, yeah, yeah, whatever you will say too, Harry! But, believe me! I am a WISHING STAR! Well, YOUR wishing star. Just tell me one wish and I'll grant it. Whatever wish you want." She smilingly said. I don't even know if it is a bluff or whatever only God knows what it is. Just like, what the heck? Wishing star? I don't believe in one.

I sighed. "Hmmm, I don't believe in wishes granted, Lein. I really don't. If a baby can have their own early young conciousness that they can understand what's happening just after they were born, I would like to wish a happy and complete family. I wish that my parents never abandoned me. But, here I am, having a family that weren't related with me. But if I will wish one thing, I would like to make my family now, proud of me, I wish they would...treat me better." I whispered the last words, when I am almost hearing my fast beating heart.

It's so sad. Very sad. My adoptive dad and mom don't like me. Which I find so odd. If they don't like me, then why they did adopt me in the first place? Why did they raised me as a child? Why? I can't find any reason why. Even my sisters and brothers...they're not nice, actually. They are like envious freaks! I really don't like myself being in this situation...but I love them. I love them so much.


I was take aback when I heard her. "What? Okay? What that does mean?" I asked her.

"I-I'll grant y-your wish!" She answered cheerfully but she is sttutering, really. I feel like something was wrong.

"Oh yeah?"

"Oh yeah!"


I DON'T know by what she means, that she will grant my wish. I really don't have a single idea what she will do about it. But as days passed, my heart is now beating for someone and it is Lein. Everytime she is with me, fill me with so much happiness and contentment. I can almost forget my problems with my family, the all issues about us. Just in snap, my father knocked me out, my mother slapped me twice, my brothers told me hurtful sentences and my sisters bullied me. But I don't care. I will not care as long as Lein is beside me, as long she gives me hope, as long as she is with me. She is now my happiness, my love and my inspiration.

"Lein, I want to wish." I suddenly told her. Her eyes widen, she's obviously shocked by what I said. But, it's true. I want to wish that Lein loves me the way I love her. I hope she's in love with me too.

"Y-yeah? What is it?" She asked me back.

"If you don't love me, then love me." I answered with no hesitation. I answered her fiercely but soft. I don't want to scare her afterall.

"What, Harry? Can you say it again?"

"Love me, Lein. But it will be more better if you already love me. Because I love you."


I HATE her! I hate her so much! She's my only light in my pitch-black world! She's the only one family I have that appreciates me, that loves me more than I love myself! She's my happiness when everyone arounds me is targeting for my sufferinf and sadness! She's the only one I have beside me until...she left.

But I think the world just got upside down. In just one snap again, my father tapped my shoulder and congratulate me, my mother cooked for me, my brothers brought me with them in the gym and it was like a bonding and my sisters gave me sorry and thank you letters. It was so very sweet and I'm so very happy. Now, my family is my happiness now while Lein is my sorrow and pain. She is so fucking...selfish and bad. I hate her, I loathe her.

And it got worsen, when after three years, she came back. All smiles, got with the same expressive green eyes and her jolly voice. I was so frustrated and mad. She came back like she didn't hurt me at all. And the most angriest part that time, was...she came back for me.

"Get the fuck out of here, woman." I coldly said to her while pointing at the door.

She smiled but it didn't reached her eyes. "I don't want to leave yet, Harry. I want---"

"You should thought about that before. You don't want to leave YET? I hope you are like that before. I hope you already thought about it twice before saying this." I cut off her words then without a warning, I left her then slammed the door right infront of her face. I won't care anymore if she will be left there...alone.


"Harry, I want to invite you in the province! That's where our lola (grandma) and lolo (grandpa) lives." Yara excitedly told me then she grabbed my wrist. I just chuckled then I nodded my head continously. She's so very jolly and naughty! Yara is one of my sisters and this is a very good opportunity on being close with her.

"Okay, I will come." I smilingly answered her.


She's so very happy and I don't even know why.


"Why in the hell you are here again, huh? Are you really following me?" I madly asked her. It's so frustrating! Lein is here again! She's here in the Bicol!

"H-Harry, I want to be with you, please?"

"NO! Not in a million chances, Lein. Never."

The thought that I will enjoy our vacation here in the province just suddenly vanished that day when she arrived, telling me she's here for me...again! Ugh!

She's bugging me...everyday! As in, everyday! I'm so mad at her that I didn't even get to enjoy my whole days in the Bicol. I'm so mad to even shour her with hurtful words that I didn't know I can say that.


"NO, Lein! You've done enough, goddamn it! Just go away! No, I mean, GET OUT OF MY LIFE! You're a wishing star, you say?! Then I wish that you'll stay away from me now! Just get the fucking out of my life! Or just die! You want to die?!"

"H-Harry, yes, I want to die...if it's for you."


"Harry, use my car, alright? I will go into the party now. I will just wait in there for you, okay? Bye!"

"Okay, Yara."

Yara told me that she will go to a party in her friend's house. And she wanted me to come. Well, I want to enjoy too. Just to get away from Lein. Just to get away from stress! Ugh! But honestly, I feel bad about telling those things to her. I knew I was been rude to her, I knew I was been harsh but it's maybe for the better changes.


Oh my f***** gad! Did I hear it right? She's here again! GODDAMN IT!

"Why are you here?"

"Please, don't ride that car."


"Please, just listen to me. Yara is---"

"Now, you're using Yara, huh? Leave!'

"No! Listen to me! Don't ride that car! Just commute! Then, I'll ride that car! I will bring it to your location."

"Huh, another lame plan for you to be able to follow me, right?"


"Of course, if that will make you fucking happy, then ride that car and I will just commute! You never change, Lein. You're still...insensitive and selfish."


I walked out there. I'm so mad. I'm so fucking mad.


"Hey, Yara!" I called my sister then I waved my hand at her.

"H-Harry! Why...oh shit." She suddenly cursed. My forehead creased. What's happening?

"Yara, the car arrived now." A guy said to Yara. I don't know what's happening. I'm so confuse!

"Who's...who's driving it, then, Harry?"

I quickly looked away. "Lein. Lein is driving the car---"

"Fucking shit!"

Yara quickly ran outside. The guy followed her and so do I. When we were already outside, I heard a beep. It's from a car where Lein is the driver.

I don't know. But everything became slow motion. I saw her sweetly smiled at me but it didn't reached her eyes. My forehead creased more. I was shocked when Yara suddenly grabbed my wrist. She's sharply looking at me, madness and pain are visible in her eyes. I'm so confuse. Very confuse. Why?

"If you didn't came, my family could have been in peace. You do not belong in our family! You will never be! Lein shouldn't be the one who is suffering but anyway, she chose it, and besides, you'll suffer more when she died!" She shouted and then everything happened so fast.

I saw Lein tried to open the door but she can't. Until I just saw her mouthed 'I love you' to me. My eyes are now tearing up. My visions are starting to get blurry because of my tears. I don't know what is happening but I feel so bad, so bad that it makes me cry.

"Die and suffer, Lein!" Yara suddenly shouted and then she pushed a button, a red button.

This is the worsest day of my life, the baddest, the saddest. I know I will suffer too much, especially now that my beloved died infront of my eyes.


The last thing I heard was Yara's demonic laugh.


YARA WAS now in jail and also the guy she's with. I already left them, I already left my family---no, that family. They are the worst! They are the fucking worst people I have met in my life! Especially, that Yara, especually that bitch! She killed Lein! She killed the girl I love!

Even if I'll deny it or not, I know to myself that I still love her. I can't just accept the fact that she left me.The time that I saw her burning alive because of the bomb that was planted in the car, I knew better.

I remembered her saying...

"H-Harry, yes, I want to die...if it's for you."

Honestly, it's my entire fault. My fucking fault. "Lein...I love you." I whispered like she will hear it. I am now in her room. I visited her house and her family too. I feel so guilty. So damn guilty that I cried the whole day hugging her pillow.

My eyes suddenly went to a white envelope above the drawer. Even I'm so being weak right now, I took it. My eyes widen when I saw my name on it. It says...

Dear Harry, my love,

You're so selfish, yes you are. You are abusive too, hahaha! I just told you that it's going to be just one wish but you wish for more. And honestly, even you will wish for more than one, I know I will still grant it. Especially your second wish. Hihihi. You don't need to wish for me to love you, because I already love you. But just like what I have said...I will grant your first wish because I'm your wishing star, right, love? Well, your family...doesn't really like you. I investigated about your family's background and they adopted you because they want to, but because they need to. I know you are aware that I am the Company Executive Officer of the company that I'm working for but I do not own it at all. And the company I'm working for is the number one enemy of the company of your adoptive family. They know me. And I know too that they have used you against your father, your real father.

Do you get it? They took you away from your parents. You are the son of my boss and I know it. I'm so sorry for not telling you this. But it's for the best while I'm not still granting your wish. You want your family to be happy for you? You want your family to be proud of you? They are already, Harry. They are now. But of course, you want your adoptive family then I let go of you. We made a deal...that when I finally let go of you for the mean time, they will accept you. They will treat you better...

Sayang! When I came back for you, it could have been the only chance to be with you. But of course, you are mad at me and I can't blame you for doing that. Especially that I heard Yara's plans. She's so evil, aren't she? I made this letter for you to be able to know your identity. And sorry for...everything.

Don't cry, Harry. I don't want you crying. When it's night, just look up in the sky and watch the stars as they shine. When you miss me, just think one of them as me. The brightest and the hottest...joke! Hahaha! Now, it's my time to guide you from above. Don't worry, I'm still with you and I won't ever leave ever. Because I love you so much and whatever wishes you want me to grant, I'll do it. Because I am Lein, the one who loves you so much.

-Your brightest and hottest star in the universe,
Leinniana, your love. :)

P. S Your wishing star