

A Dream Came True Chapter 1
We see dreams and some of them comes true but some of them dosent, There are many so many people on earth they all see dreams some dreams are completed and some not. There are some dreams that we want to achieve but sometimes it becomes difficult because of our hard work and luck.
We belive that to achieve our goal/ Dream for that we need to do hardwork and then that dream is completed very soon.

This is the story of a 5 year boy who lived in in foreign country and he dreamd that he wanted to be a cricketer, this 5 year old boy was very good in sports and studies, Thogth he was very good in sports and studies his parents were very proud on him. Comeon lets meet this boy his name is john, John's father Joseph was a poor farmer and his mother shakia was a hoisewife. Johns father was very poor so he was not able to buy a cricket kit for john and because of this john used to feel very bad.But his friends were very good they used to give him their things so that he can play johns father used to tell him not to play with those boys but john never listend. john was in 6th standard so he used to play cricket during his vacation time. One day when he was playing in the school his teacher mr berly told john about exam preparation john told his teacher he will clear this exam. After 2 days when exam started john was not able to write anything and after 20 days when result came he failed in his exams, johns teacher and his parents told him not to be sad and just focus on his studies so that he can improve it. After 7 days johns exams started and this time he scored 88%. Seeing this johns parents and his teacher all were very happy for him. after 3 days jons teacher called johns parents and told them to come to school, when johns parents came to school johns teacher robin told them that john is a very good batsman he can play in his school team but their permission is needed johns parents gave permission to play and john in his school team.
Next Episode coming soon.....

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