


In a way we are a bunch of tired individuals living in a shitty and tired world.
Shrouded in the false security we dally ourselves in; a fickle imagination that does nothing but goad the arrogance and stupidity of human nature.
Deep down in everyone of those bipedal machohistic creature: well not all are, is a demon waiting to be unleashed, a wild animal roaring to be let free.
We comfort ourselves with the vain charity and kindness we display, scorning the brought to light wrongdoers while at the corners of our various homes we indulge in worse attrocities that are not to be mentioned.
Have you ever wondered how life will be if there were no rules, governing bodies, imagine the shit that would occur. The display of human heart laid bare to all and yet we call ourselves God fearing when all we do is live our lives by the rules of money, forever bound in it's grasp.
A higher creature indeed, I do wonder where the high come from; is it from the wickedness, ruthlessness or the deep hatred we bore for each other all because of the skin colour.
We delude ourselves with the fantasy of a better world, a better tomorrow while we continuously poison the world we live in. I so pity the seas and earth for putting up with our shits for long.

© phantom2ink