

the cemetery school
I walked into the living room to see my twin kids laughing over sometime.
"What are you guys doing?"I asked
"Jacob was telling me a scary story,but it's not scary(she chuckled)it's a funny story"Jasmine said
"No it wasn't funny,you are just too childish to realize it"Jacob said upset
"Mum tell us a story"she said
"I don't have any story honey,but grandma has one,and it's scary"I said
"Grandma story won't be as scary as mine"Jacob said
"Ok sir,but let's find out from Grandma herself"I said as we all walked to Grandma's room
"Good evening grandma"the kids greeted and she smiled
"The kids wants you to tell them a story"I said
"I do have a story,but it's scary"she said
"I bet it's not as scary as mine was and am sure I won't get scared cos am a man like daddy"Jacob said
"well let's find out"Grandma said with a soft laugh.
it all began when my family and I moved to a new town, daddy just got promoted so we had to move,which means I had to make new friends and mom had to start working at a new company,I had always had trouble making friends because I was very shy,my first day at school daddy dropped me and told me to be a good girl then drove off.A month has passed and the only friend I had was just a girl named Vanessa,but we call her V for short,we became close friends and she was a talkative, but I liked her, everything was ok until one day"she paused to look at the kids.
" one day?"Jasmine asked
"what happened?"Jacob asked as both grandma and I laughed and she continued.
"One day daddy dropped me extra early because he had an important meeting to attend to,the school compound was quite and fogs were everywhere,as I walked to my class I could see few students at their various classroom, which made me less scared,I walked into my classroom to see two students at the front of the class,I greeted them as I sat down feeling happy that I wasn't the only one in class, but they didn't respond,I didn't think much about it I sat down staring at them but they kept looking at an empty space.
I was wondering what they were up to so I walked up to them,I felt cold all of a sudden as I got closer to them,I looked at their faces and it was dull and lifeless,the bead I was holding fell and I quickly bent to pick it,it was then I realized that they had no legs,I jumped up screaming only to find the class empty,they were both gone,like they just disappeared,soon after other students started coming in and I got relieved.I told V about the incident and she wasn't surprised,she said she overheard some teachers saying the same thing I said,and she found out that our school was built on a lost cemetery.
I told my parents about the whole issue when I got home and they just told me to be careful,the next day as I got into my classroom,I was greeted by V,who excitedly told me that two new boys were registered in our class,we were still talking about it when they both walked in with our physics teacher,he introduced them as Bobby and Peter,Bobby was placed in our seat and Peter the next.
"Bobby?that's a strange name"V said
"Thanks"he replied and she got upset
"Am Vanessa but my friends call me V,and she's Jasmine"V said
"Nice to meet you both"he said.
during recess,V dragged Bobby to tag along with us as she showed him round the school,I excused myself and walked to the restroom,I walked in and saw a boy standing there just staring at me.
"uhm hi! this is for the ladies,the boy's restroom is the next one"I said but he started walking towards me and I felt that cold again
"Look dude I really need to pee,so please get out or I'll scream"I said with a trembling voice, but he kept walking towards me,I bent down and started crying as I pee all over myself,V ran in and tried to calm me down but she couldn't,I kept crying,she had no other choice than to call the teachers,who in turned Called my parents.
My parents were not happy,I was still crying as dad yelled at the school principal, threatening to take me out of the school if another incident occur,and then we left,I couldn't go to school for weeks,I just laid on my bed thinking about what happened,V and Bobby occasionally visited me,which made me felt safe knowing I had them by my side.
"Who's the boy?"Dad asked one evening during dinner
"He's just a friend"I replied
"And it should stay that way(pause) you'll be going to school tomorrow, I've given you enough room to recover"he said and left.I had no choice than to obey.
Immediately I sat down,V told me that Bobby was chased by a ghost that morning,and half of the school has had their various encounter with the ghost, including teachers.we were still discussing about the issue when a ghost a ghost walked it,it had no legs,we all started screaming till it disappears,the school was shut down eventually till further notice,and it was later announced that it would be demolished by government order.
I was so relieved to start a new school free from ghost and other drama.
"So you've seen a ghost?"Jasmine asked and grandma nodded
"mummy am scared"she said
"Am not scared am brave like daddy"Jacob said as my husband scared him from behind and he ran to Grandma crying,we all laughed and then went to bed.

The End. Thanks for reading,been off lately due to some issues but am fully back now I missed you guys
© silver