

Reimcarnation (Chapter 5)
"Ooh Gege, this looks nice." I exclaimed walking off to one store but was stopped as he grabbed onto my clothes, preventing me from going forward.

"E-ehhh?" I asked, slightly disappointed that we were leaving from the food store, those delicious smells were tempting me after all.

"Later." He replied shortly as he walked me to a clothing store. "Mn! Okay Gege!" I replied cheerfully as I grinned at him widely.

"Good." He smiled back as he patted my head, "I want some female clothing." He turned to face the store owner.

The girl stared at his face with a captivated look.

~It is normal for people to stare at him openly, they have been staring at him ever since you guys were here.~

~Yes... You were too focused in the smell of food to notice anything.~

~How dramatic... Besides, he is actually very good looking already, I'm surprised no one fainted or died from looking at him.~

~)Σ(๑ŏ╻ŏ๑) What!? Okay????? He's like a heavenly god here!~

~But still- How?~

"T-than what size or measurements would it be?" The sales clerk asked after snapping out of her infatuated look.

"Same size as him." My brother said as he pushed me forward, I stared at her and tilted my head.

I watched as suddenly her nose started bleeding, "A-are you alright?" I asked.

"S-such a feminine guy... Just like an angel." She murmured softly under her breath.

"What did you say?" I asked, furrowing my brows. "N-Nothing... Please, step in here as I take your measurements." The sales clerk asked as she pressed a cloth against her nose tightly.

My brother watched on with a displeased look, glaring at the girl who did not seem to feel his stare as she began dressing me up, asking my brother for 'her' favourite colour.

"U-uh why are you trying it out on me?" I asked, "Because he said that the girl he is buying this clothes for is the same as you, so I'm taking you as a reference." She smiled at me.

"Uh... I see. She's also my twin sister, so I believe you can pick a colour that suits her." I said, helping my brother since he looked overwhelmed by her constant questioning.

~Host, his favorability rose to 150~

He looked at me with a gentle smile which caused multiple people to collapse on their knees from seeing it.

I smiled back at him brightly, as the crowds nose began bleeding.

~Answer my question host... Are you


~They are thinking that your brothers smile resembles a dark angel that they can't help but get captivated by, and that your smile is like a pure, innocent white angel.~

~I know right, I understand your brother but you? Yeah right an angel? Your the devil wearing an angel's skin!~

~U-uh... This system got to go and... Update! Yes Update! Bye!~


"Ahh I see, than... There's a lot of colours that can suit her." The clerk nodded as she rambled off about the colours that I could wear.

"How about we stick with blue colour, she likes it." I said with a smile just so she can shut up already.

"Ah okay what type of blue?" She continued asking.

"How about you choose one that suits her... Well on me I guess."I shrugged as she nodded with sparkly eyes.

"Oh, okay. Hm... This dark blue looks nice on your pale skin... Does your sister have the same skin complexion as you?" She asked.

"Yes, we're twins after all." I nodded, "Alright, than I suggest you take this one." She exclaimed excitedly, pushing the clothes onto me.

My brother paid for the clothing before we quickly left, "Phew..." I sighed, "What's wrong?" He asked, looking over at me in concern.

"Just tired... I didn't expect finding a female clothing to be that much of a hassle." I answered.

"Sorry that I dragged you out than... Let's go home." He trailed off awkwardly, "E-eh? But I wanted to spend more time with Gege." I twiddled with my fingers shyly.

Barely glancing at him, "*Cough* Let's go back first, we'll come back alright?" He asked me softly as I nodded at his words.

"Come let Gege bring you home quickly." He said, handing out his hand. I took his hand without hesitation as he smiled, "Close your eyes for a while okay?" He asked gently as I nodded my head.

~Favorability increased to180.~

The wind around us picked up as I held his hand tighter, "It's alright. You can open your eyes again."

I slowly opened my eyes to see that we were back in our room again, well my brother's room. "Woah~" I said in amazement, staring at my brother in admiration as he smiled slightly at me.

~Favorability increased to 200.~

"Now let's visit father." He said as he held my hand.

"W-what about... Mother..." I trailed off fearfully, "It's alright, I'll protect you." He turned back to give me a warm smile as I returned it with the biggest smile I could muster and nodded excitedly.

"Too... Dangerous..." My brother quickly turned his head away and muttered under his breath quickly.

"What?" I asked tilting my head, "Nothing much." He said as he patted my head.
© Naruko