

The Sadist...Part 16... The end
“Mush!” He grunts and swats me hard on the butt making it burn just right; I purr out loud.
“We’re almost there wildcat.”

The walk to the Tampyro tree takes to long for my liking and Reeves carries me the whole way. When I hear his feet touch the wooden platform I wiggle to be let down. Reeves smacks my ass again.
“Be still woman.” I hear him pull a lever that makes the platform rise. He finally puts me down once we are inside. This cabin is beautiful, all native hut but high up. My favorite part is the bed sits near a huge window that looks over the valley. Cliffs, waterfalls, trees, nature sounds, even a fake moon that rises and sets on a timer. Magic! Reeves comes up behind me while I look out and hands me the small brown bottle. It’s open and half of its contents are missing. I gasp and turn to look at him.
“I didn’t think we were going to do it?” His smile is slow and lazy. Slowly he turns me to face the window and brings my arm with the bottle to my lips. I swallow the remaining liquid. The liquid travels down to my stomach and moves throughout my body. I feel light, soft and freeing. I’ve never experienced this type of euphoria before. Reeves hands land on my hips, am I flying? I turn to him and am met by an onslaught of passionate kisses. My clothes are quickly removed as are his. I gasp when I look down and see we are floating over the valley below. Reeves turns me and I’m on my knees. A breeze tickles my nipples as we near the waterfall. I don’t know how this is possible and I don’t care. I moan as Reeves enters me from behind stretching me to make himself fit.
A wild cat cries in the distance and I answer her call when Reeves begins to pound inside of me. Each thrust he gives me I feel throughout my body. I feel him deeper than I ever did before. This is my life, he is my husband, no one can take this. I scream out in orgasm clenching my fingers at air while Reeves drives himself home. WHen he finds his release within me my whole body collapses onto the bed. Wait, what? I’m back in bed?
“Reeves?” He moans softly,
“I know baby, just let it take you.” Reeves rolls over on top of me cocooming me in his warmth. I breath in his scent and relax, I’m safe, I’m home.

The End