

ME 2.1 , Ready for launch

Another unforgettable year has passed by . Today on this last day of this year 2020 , merely minutes away to a new 2021, I wonder what has changed in me .
A rollercoaster of a year , but finally made it through . This year had taught me a lot of things...
To express your love to your near ones , as you never know what tomorrow brings .
To not be too dependent on others.
To realise what value you hold among your friends.
To not trust someone and spill out your secrets , cause the next moment it can backfire you in a fight .
To be your own comfort partner, your own analyzer, as no one knows you better than yourself .
To take a decision and not regret it ( a very difficult one )
To hold your tongue back and control your talking.
To learn to listen to things patiently , not being impulsive .
To research and be 100 % sure on the facts you state.
To not be an annoyance
Last but not the least, not to be lazy ( the most difficult one , at that ).
Ah.... I kind of skipped the most important one ,
To be healthy and happy and to love yourself and others with a open heart .
Well these are my resolutions too ...
And , to brush by teeth twice daily 😜
Welcome 2021 .....
Hoping to meet a better version of me
ME 2.1version fully loaded and ready to fire .....💥