

Response To Loss
"Did you ever care about the losses? Or who was killed from these attacks of terrorism?" She asked me. "If you asked me that question years ago, my answer would show more humanity but in all honesty. No, I don't. All that remained innocent on that first day, died within a single attack. All it did was show us that the world is filled with monsters and greed. There are the soldiers that fight, then there is the ones who rebel against a society that they feel betrayed them. When in fact it was them who failed society and blamed the real victims for the attacks. Three days after the first attack, there were suicides, murders and torture that came to those who were thought to be responsible for the attack. A company went under and the wolves who preyed on the weak were set loose. This isn't a war over tyranny or treason. This is a war for power, the right to take over and control. It's our job to stop it by any means. There will be civilians in the crossfire because we're fighting in our backyard. For this is another civil war."

© theillusivewriter