

Self motivation to be self competent

In the crowd of energetic Group,of class 8th std is one among them a shy boy named Suresh.He is innocent as lamb, but average in studies.He studies hard like others but could never touch the A grade easily as his peers did.
But, He is So good in sports that which ever sports he picked he secured always first place.be it running race, football, basketball or Cricket.
As the examination dates grew near the expectations of parents from their children too got higher. Parents of Suresh being strict and Over disciplined had imposed demands of higher score from him this time.
weeks passed and months flew, all Students did good justice with their notes and books.
"Exam went easy"everybody said in cheers on the last day of exams.
few weeks later Results came out Students and parents wait came to an end.
95% secured Grade A and rest secured below, again the Grade of Suresh did not change.Sad and disappointed he started avoiding his friends and teachers. days went by his appetite reduced, interest in sports died. He started coming into the notice of teachers and parents.
Teacher called parents teachers meeting and during the meeting, teacher spoke about good traits and strengths of Suresh.It motivated him so much when his parents also agreed to teachers words.
Self motivation,competing with self is Good practice.