

Ends In Aid Season 2 Part 16
(Voiced By Ruth)
Come on, Samson, pick up my call.
Why aren't you picking my call up to now.
Do you really want me to call you thirty times before you finally think of picking up my call?.
Wait, is something really wrong?
Oh no! Don't tell me that Frank actually executed his evil plan last night.
No...no...no....what are you thinking, Ruth?
Samson can't be dead....Frank couldn't have done such a thing.
But think about it?....doesn't it sound strange that Samson isn't picking any of your calls?....
It's very strange!
I've got to go talk to Henrietta.
Wait, instead of me wasting my energy to go downstairs in order to talk to her, why don't i call her to come upstairs in order that i can talk to her.
Yeah, I'm gonna call her.
That's what I'm gonna do.
So, i sits down on my office chair and began to call Henrietta then Henrietta answers the call, saying "hello, Ruth, what's up".
I answered "not fine. Something is really wrong. I've tried calling Samson but he isn't picking any of my calls....I'm worried that something terrible must have happened to him. I need you upstairs urgently".
Henrietta replied "okay, I'm on my way....just hold on".
I said "thank you so much for supporting me".
Henrietta replied "my pleasure. It's the least i can do for you since you're the human that gave me this job and this opportunity to be employed. Just hang in there....I'm coming right up". As i put off the call.
Then i began to wait until Henrietta entered my office.
And once she entered into my office, i quickly told her to sit down on one of the office chairs.
Immediately she sat down on the office chair, she asked "do you really think that Frank could kill Samson?".
I answered "Henrietta, i don't want to even think that at all. Samson is alive and he's not dead....i refuse to believe that Nathan  could kill....come on!...Nathan is no killer".
Henrietta replied "but that seems to explain the fact why Samson's hasn't answered any of your calls".
I said "well, i get your point but i don't think it's true".
Henrietta replied "well, I'm not the type of person that would love giving bad news or sad news but we've got to be real about this".
I said "no!...my samson ain't dead...see, i choose the outcome of my life and I'll choose to see life differently and proclaim the fact that Samson is not dead".
Henrietta replied "well, why don't you clear your doubt by calling his number just one last time....if he picks the call then he's alive but if not....well, we've got to...you know what i mean already....i don't have to tell you".
As i picked my phone with my hands shaking.
Henrietta notices it and quickly said "wait, your hands are shaking".
I  replied "well, I'm quite nervous right now....this call is a determining call....and I'm anxious and out of balance here".
Henrietta said "don't be scared...just make the call".
I replied "you think it's that easy?".
Henrietta said "well, i know it's not so easy but i sure know that it's worth it. Make this call and let all of your worries fade away".
I replied "i wish i didn't have to make this call...i wish he could walk in here happy and alive".
Henrietta said "well, with all of that wish, you still have to make this call".
I replied "okay....hmm, hold on...let me think first".
Henrietta asked "what is there to think about?...you need no plans and strategy in this situation....just simply make the call".
I said "see how you're making it sound easy rather than difficult".
Henrietta replied "of course, it's easy...just dial the number".
I said "of course, i know that".
Henrietta replied "then make the call already".
As i breath in and out before i said "okay...I'm gonna make the call".
Henrietta replied "finally....you've decided to make the call. So, go on...make the call...don't hesitate this time....for time is running out....tick tuck....tick tuck....tick tuck".
Okay!....I'm making the call....As i began calling Samson's number then it began ringing but Samson wasn't still picking my call.
Henrietta asked "has he picked the call?".
I answered "not yet".
Henrietta replied "well, i hate to tell you this but i think it's time we prepare for this loss".
As i could hear still hear the sound that indicates that Samson's phone was ringing.
Okay, i think it's now over....then out of a sudden, the call is being answered and i heard a female voice saying "hello".
Although, it's quite obvious...it's not Samson that has answered the call but maybe this unknown person can tell me where he is.
The female voice said again "hello, please, who is calling?".
I quickly answered "you're speaking with samson's girlfriend, Ruth. I like to speak with Samson...please, where is he?".
The Female voice answered "oh dear, I'm sorry but he's not here. All i see here is perhaps his car which is as if he were in an accident or something and then his phone which i got from the car due to the fact that it was ringing and i have also seen blood on the ground".
I said "oh no!".
The Female voice replied "well, I'm so sorry. You said that he's your boyfriend...oh eyah...i can imagine how it feels. Well, my name is Esther".
I asked "please, Esther, where are you right now?".
Esther answered "well, I'm in Ekorinim".
I replied "please, can you wait for me?...i wanna come".
Esther said "hmm, I'm sorry, i can't wait here for you....I'm just a passerby....I've got work to go now and i can't afford to be late".
I replied "okay, go to work...i don't want to cause you to be late but see what you will do....you will take the phone with you...but you're to hold it until you're done with work today then once you're ready for us to meet...please, use his airtime in his phone and call this number...please, would you do that for me?".
Esther answered "sure, I'll love to help you by doing just that. Well, i call you later and I'll see you later.....Goodbye, I've got to go to work".
I replied "goodbye dear".
Then i looked at Henrietta with tears in my eyes.
Henrietta said "atleast he is not dead".
I asked "how sure are you?".
Henrietta answered "well, no weapon formed against us shall prosper".
I replied "but he isn't in the car".
Henrietta said "well, doesn't mean that a good Samaritan didn't come to take him to the nearby hospital".
I replied "well, that reason is tied to probability but is it possible in this generation?".
Henrietta asked "wait, why did you say such?".
I answered "well, because these days, men are very heartless, greedy and selfish".
Henrietta asked "Ruth, have you forgotten that our lives are in God's hands?....Have you forgotten so soon that nothing is impossible for God to do?".
Ruth answered "i haven't forgotten that".
Henrietta replied "then that means Samson is still alive somewhere".
I said "i just hope so".
Henrietta asked "why are you sounding as if you don't think that he's still alive".
I replied "see, it's not as if i don't think that he's still alive but hmmm....Esther also said that she saw blood around on the ground. What if....i don't know....hmm, what if Nathan stabbed him and he lost a lot of blood".
Henrietta said "well, i don't know".
As my phone began to ring and i looked at it and i realized that the number that is calling me is an unknown number.
Henrietta asked "who's calling?".
I answered "i don't know....I've got no idea".
Henrietta replied "well, i think you should answer the call".
I asked "you sure?".
Henrietta answered "sure...go for it".
As i picked up my phone.....
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