

Imperfect Love
A kid was about to fall from the window to outside. Suddenly went near to it and took him off . I locked the window down and took my seat among the kids, I started a new approach to get there attention, I mimicked with kids voice which sounds like a cartoon character, to entertain them. They were quite impressed but still on starring. I told them to say about themselves. One girl came in front , she was very confident with her round spectacles , her name was Daisy, she was quite interested in studies . Next came up Timon, he had a impressive attitude followed by Ryan and David, they seems to be one gang . Pricella , was so cute, was good at singing, Blessy was also good at singing. Martha was a good dancer ,as showed her moves when a played a song . Kevin was good in sports , and Lily was a quiet girl, as pretended to have no talents. They were many others students in the class but these kids caught my attention more. I continued with my class, taught some rhymes, drawings . They seems to be happy , but still not getting attached to me. The bell ranged , for the lunch. I helped them to open up their tiffins and asked them to pray to God and thank him for the food. I took a round around the classroom, I saw Kevin , was unhappy to open up his tiffin. I went towards him and asked what happened? He said with his chin down that ' momma wasn't able to cook for me , she was hurry to the workplace. Oh I was amazed to hear that , it was like he understood his situation. Most probably, kids are stubborn on their own way, but he was admitting it. I bought a sandwich from the canteen and gave him. I was so happy ,when others to gave him what they had. Then everyone finshed their meal and cleaned up.Then I took a break , went to canteen to have salad and sandwich,as I wasn't aware of my schedules. After that I went to staff room, had a chitchat with other members, as I could see they were tired with kids. According to me , teaching is the best profession, where you are able to express all your talents. Just like mothers taking care and second home of every children. Sara , co-staff , was of my age group, she shared her interests and we took photos. Back to class, it was the end of the school day , so I helped them pack up their bags. Parents and Grandparents were awaiting for their kids to pick them up. Everything was right, the main purpose of my day is done and back to my apartment. On the way I enjoyed the view of cityscape, enjoyed and saw some people were dressed as film characters to meet their survival 'as they were saying to themselves, I am gonna survive with what I have and make use of it'. To the bus stop, here comes my bus and got in, put on my earphones and listened to my favourites. Back home, freshen up and made a toast . I called my mother, I was very excited to say about my first day , but she wasn't picking up. I tried her a lot but still not responding. I got panicked. Then thought that sh must be busy with something. A little later I tried her again but I couldn't . Suddenly door bell ranged.....

© Jerry