

Silent Rebellion
Dark skies and carriages flee across the town to place admirable while some walk under umbrellas with satins and sequins beneath. The sensation of individuality sung its freedom across the city and the city continued its bustling rhythm, each inhabitant moving to the beat of their own desires and dreams yet still some lay across sadness and despair with the forgotten system of fairness rather equality. The heavy droplets became a burden on my satins and with a heavy fabrics I continued my way across the remorseful and silent town.

As I walked through the labyrinth of streets, the weight of my solitude hung heavy in the air, mingling with the thick soak of sadness that engulfed me, continuing across the slippery slopes as I reached the end of town to site a of busy city nearby as the sky flourished into a clear and joyful night and people scurried together laughing and giggling while a few blushed as roses were held by their lovers. Chatters and gossips get among them while our mouths were zipped up and so I longed to join their laughter and revelry, but my heavy heart anchored me firmly in place, carrying the weight of my sorrow as the joy seemed impossibly distant.

Feeling isolated and heavy-hearted, I stood at the edge of town, gazing wistfully at the vibrant city in the distance knowing a life as heaven seen has burdened to never take step toward it. Communication laid their boundaries in the town of Abcas, remorseful silence was the only voice heard in our ears as the crimes of some lead to some suffering of an offspring. Nonetheless I made my way backwards to a silence of cries and wonders.

The distant hum of the city's nightlife sang to me, teasing me with the promise of a world beyond my reach, and as I turned my back. A few stores on my rival path, a few expressions and gestures exchanged as that’s a tradition of a silent suffering. All say, thousands years ago, crimes were punished in a dystopian lifestyle in a remorseful silence. Some refused to carry an offspring while some agreed ignorant to the voices of our silence undeserving.

Maybe it was time to break the cycle and find my own voice, to speak out against the weight of sorrow and bring about change, despite the fear and uncertainty that gripped my heart. A roar erupt my throat as the anger of past and my suffering combined in a spine-tingling scream, shattering the suffocating silence and echoing through the empty streets. Some stared in shock while others seemed to find a newfound hope in my defiance.

In the moment of rebellion to break the suffocation entering a world the same desired by many.
But the hope died down as firestorms erupted through the skies and trembling clouds spurred into oblivion.

The rain of angry fire broke through the clouds and bombed the violent landscape, as if a new hell was building into its grounds.

Every peasents present scurried towards their homes just to find ravaged ashes of remaining woodsheds and bricks. Soon after, none was left. Everything remained was destroyed. Skins of us were burned and only their fleshes and hearts were saved but that only burned.

In the aftermath, a solemn silence enveloped Abcus. The charred remnants stood as a testament to the devastation. Only memories lingered, etched in the hearts of those who survived, a community forever changed by the flames, but I was just a spirit that was welcomed by hevean.

© Waverywaves