

Immortals: Gate of Earth part 3
I woke the next morning to find Muggog had been looking at my daggers. "Cobalt on these means your a traveler of time and a keeper of the chaos pact" he said with fear in his words. I told him i ment no harm to him but I wish to bring ballance as I was instructed. "So by ballance you mean to help us win or lose" he was fishing for. answers I didnt have. "I will help you win" I said this only because I knew he lost this war and killed me in the future. "Then I shall teach you of the spirit of earth" he proclaimed as he stood up to walk outside. I knew there was little time to learn anything but I'm hopeful to get something out of this. He put his hand on the ground infront of me and made a stone golem come out from the ground and said "now i'll teach this to you in the fewest steps as possible." He then looked at my daggers and told me to stab the ground and focus my mind on a human form to make eath form a golem. Stabbing the ground with and image in my head of the human form i wanted and made a small figure in form but lacking size. "Again" he yelled smashing the golem. This time i stabbed the ground and the figure was larger but still shorter than me by half. "With anger, Agai!!" as he crushed it to dust. Now angry that he keeps destroying the golems i created I stab the ground and creat a golem his size. "As it should look, keep this in your heart and we shall win this war with great strength.
Gatormen started running at us at that moment as to ambush us and i sent the golem to fight while making anothe to send with it. Now we started to drive them back as quickly as they came at us and it felt great to do something I had no idea was possible for me. The time had come to take the city with Muggog, I took both daggers in hand and made two golems as my garison to fight with and Muggog made an army for himself amd two more giants joined in doing the same. "For Drath we fight for her liberty." Muggog yelled as more giants made golems and we charged the city crushing gatormen unde stone as we crash through the gates of the city walls. Fighting had broken out in full now and i hadn't lost my golems yet. I mad my way to the capital and with my golems rushed the lobby of the pallace. A golem lost an arm so I made a third golem as a swift diffence to block with. I found they were few here but stonger than the gate men. "Stop him" they yelled as the surrounded me. Guess i made an impression on them as I noticed Muggog had joined me for this. "Quite a scrapper arnt you boy" he said laughingly. His golems are crushing gatormen on my left as I force my way though to the stairs to the thrown room. We now smash through the giant doors and make our way into the thrown room and find the leader of the gatormen. "Who dares barge into my thrown room" he proclaimed as though it were his home. "It was never yours by any right Nart" Muggog yelled. they surround ed us again and Muggog pulled his hammer and swung once and killed the lot of them. As he finished swinging he took knee and told me to go finish this. and now daggers in hand I found the gatorman in front of me was a duel saber whelder. I knew he had more reach than me as I continued to size him up.