

Prove them wrong...

If others think that your life lacks meaning, prove them wrong.
What are the things or people that
gave your life meaning?
It's your life so it's your choice,
how to deal with situations.

People only give their opinions,
when you really need for help,
everyone leave you alone.
So, don't listen that what people say,
because people will talk always,
if your doing right or wrong.

Life is that you can make it...
So, make it beautiful...

Don't think if I am fail,
just wake up with self confidence,
that you can do it ...
Yes, I am saying You can do it.

So, let's take a deep breath &
calm down yourself..
it's your life & decision should be yours.

Let's together prove them wrong...
Enjoy your life as you wish & want.

By at the end of day, it's a new
experience to learn something from everyone.