

My Native Wolf... Part 2
. To chubby for everyday society but for a rough and strong were like myself… She’s perfect, strong, solid and not easily broken.
Shaking my head I turn back to the road,
“Were not stopping for your car, I’m taking you straight to my place.” Clover takes the opportunity to grunt in a very unlady like way,
“No, my clothes are in there and all my important things. I need my things. I want to bathe and paint my toes and put on lotion and…” She stops catching herself mid outburst and blushes to the perfect shade of a ripe strawberry,
“I need my things little foot. I’m tired of you bossing me around.” That stupid nickname! My blood boils instantly,
“My name is Levi, white woman I’ll send someone to bring your car, give me your keys!”Turning to see Clover gaping at me,
“Are you serious?” I am tired of her already,
“Look we could have been killed, they were after you for some reason. So yes I’m serious, we're not stopping. GIVE ME YOUR KEYS!”

Why does he have to be so bossy and demanding?
“Is please even in your vocabulary? You can be such a jerk.” Pulling out my keys I hand them to him roughly. These next few weeks are going to be the worst experience of my life. How can someone who is so attractive be so unpleasant? Maybe he has a thing against chubby people. That could be it.
Minutes pass by when Levi pulls up to a trailer. An older man with long silver hair walks up to the window.
“Shadowhawk, Clovers car is at the meeting house. Pick it up and bring it to my house?” This shadowhawk looks at me before back at Levi, raising an eyebrow in question. Levi shakes his head,
“Don’t ask, we’ll talk later.” Shadowhawk must be the strong silent type because he just nods and walks away. The rest of the drive to Levi’s house takes about 20 minutes. All of which was made in silence. Levi’s home is deep in the woods. When his truck finally comes to a stop I stare in awe.
His home is lovely. An honest to God log cabin with a full wrap around porch,
“Did you build this yourself? It’s so beautiful.” Opening the car door I jump out and breathe deeply filling my lungs with clean air.
Smells like home! Bending down I rub my hands through the soft mud, squishing it between my fingers. Birds chirp noisily in the background and my head swims like I’ve taken drugs. What’s wrong with me? Two seconds away from rolling my whole body to the ground, someone clears their throat behind me. What?
Turning I see Levi standing a few feet back leaning on his truck. I’m now clearly aware that I’m elbow deep in mud and my hair is in desperate need of a washing. Levi’s eyes are glued to my backside and wouldn’t you know it my thong is doing more than playing peek-a-boo…. its on full display.
“I’ve had more than one woman at my home in the past but I’ve never had a woman drop to her knees and begin playing in the mud.” Pulling myself out of the mud I wipe off as much as I can feeling a sad kind of loss inside,
“Get a good look little foot?” Levi stands to his full height and steps closer invading my space. His crotch is less than a foot away forcing me to look up at him and I refuse to back away.
“I’m no peeping tom. I’ll look at what is freely given for my observation. If you don’t like it, keep your ass covered. If you do, the hose is around the side if you want to create more mud.” On the verge of tears at being embarrassed over something I couldn’t control. I squash the tears and pick up a handful of mud. Slinging it quick, mud splats him square in the chest while flecks dot his face.
A growl low and lethal fills the air and I would have stopped dead in my tracks had I been moving. A swirl of movement blurs before I squeal as I’m lifted from the ground and on my back in the mud with Levi on top of me pinning me down.
“Are you fucking kidding me? You just ruined my brand new shirt.” Where my sudden burst of bravery came from I’ll never know. Catching him off guard I push him over to his back. Straddling him I use my weight to press him deeper into the mud,
“Aww poor thing, now your pants are ruined too.” The fire in his eyes causes my heart to skip a beat. I’m a dead woman for sure.
“You’re playing a dangerous game of dominance Clover and it’s one that you won’t be able to win.” I stick my tongue out at him only a second before I’m flipped over. Though this time I’m on my stomach. The cool mud squishing into places I’ve never had mud be before. The feeling is beyond erotic.
Moaning softly I feel Levi behind me straddling my thighs pinning me again while his manhood is pressed to my backside. Levi pulls my hair to the side exposing my neck and I whimper in submission but I can’t bring myself to try or even want to break free. Levi’s voice is deep and thick.
“What’s the matter with you, you’re not acting right Clover.” The smells of the forest overpower me when the best smell of my life hits my nose… It’s Levi… He smells like pine and fresh cut grass.
“I don’t know…” Panting heavily,
“Ever since I got out of your truck, the smells are overpowering, my head swims, I feel like… like I’m home. I don’t, I don’t understand… Please.” What am I asking for? Levi’s weight lifts off of me and I’m lifted into his arms; He’s carrying me?
“You smell like the earth and strawberries… Are you in heat?” Heat? That sounds so primal… so, sexy,
“I’m on the… the pill.” He growls distastefully,
“Not anymore you’re not! No mate of mine will be putting that poison in her system… SHIT! You didn’t hear that. Close your eyes Clover, go to sleep. You’ve been through a lot today.” Doing as he says. The smell of pine and fresh cut grass is like a lullaby wrapping me in an ultra soft pillow.
There are tales of mates being affected like this but I never knew them to be so true. Usually the ability to smell and scent people or things comes with being bitten. Hopefully she won’t recall my mate comment. I was caught up in her heavenly smell and sweet scented nectar I almost lost my senses and took her there in the mud. The urge to mark her was so strong I damn near bit my lip off to keep myself from doing it.
Laying Clover on a blanket on my couch I cover her up and let her sleep. Hopefully she’ll feel somewhat normal when she wakes. If she doesn’t, our journey is going to be a rough one, I don’t want to be mated to some tourist white woman no matter what Gia has shown me. I dislike her and she dislikes me, this is the way it will stay.
Gazing down at her covered in mud I mentally smack myself before leaving to shower.

A good 20 minutes later I’m freshly showered in a pair of blue jeans when I hear a car approach. Shadowhawk must be here with her car, thank Gia! The last thing I wanted to hear when she woke up was more crying about her things. Stepping out onto my porch Shadowhawk climbs the steps and hands me Clovers keys,
“Do I even want to know what’s going on between you and the white woman you dislike so vehemently?” I sigh heavily,
“My father has let her into the tribe, soon we will be leaving for her journey, most likely the morning after tomorrow. Please tell Yanto to be here tomorrow with the others, they need to be updated.” Shadowhawk nods quietly and begins his descent. He’s gone in seconds, most likely changing to his wolf skin to get back home.
Back in the house I find Clover standing next to the couch inspecting herself to see just how much mud is actually in her cleavage. Clearing my throat she gasps pulling up her shirt,
“How, how did I get covered in so much mud? I only put my hands in it… right?” She looks so confused and lost,
“You slipped and smacked your head on the side of my truck. You went down like a sack of stones and I had to haul you in here.”

Damn! I don’t remember any of that. I must have gotten him covered in mud too, he looks fresh out of the shower. Looking him over I must have hit my head pretty hard cause he looks breathtaking standing there with no shirt on. He has two tattoos on his well sculpted chest. Two wolf paws and below that eight pack abs that I could wash clothes on… and then he opens his mouth.
“See anything you like? Nevermind on second thought don’t answer that, you can’t have it anyway.” Glaring at him I walk past him so he can’t see my face. I was right he doesn’t like chubby women, his loss. He couldn’t handle all of this anyways.
“Unlock my car “little foot” I need to get my things so I can shower.” By the time I get to my car it’s unlocked. Opening the back door I sit on the back seat instead of just grabbing things. I’m going to make damn sure no tears will fall before I go back inside. I won’t give him the satisfaction of knowing he hurt me. He always was a jerk but never outright cruel with his words. Levi interrupts my break when he steps out onto his front porch… Apparently he doesn’t think I’m safe here either. Grabbing some clothes, pj’s and my toiletry bag I stalk back up the stairs and refuse to look at him.
“Clover I…”
“Shut up!” Not slowing down my pace I feel a tear slide down my cheek. I’ve always been tough, I don’t know why I’m letting him get to me. He’s no one… right? RIGHT! I drop my things on the couch, I need a shower.
“Where is your bathroom?” I wait so long I know he doesn’t plan on answering me until I look at him and I outright refuse too. Stalking off on my own I find it without him. Once behind a closed bathroom door I curse myself. I left my toiletries and clothes out on the sofa. Oh well! Peeling my clothes off I step under the water to find it already warm… Oh yeah!

Well hell, I must have really hurt her feelings this time. She’s never clammed up on my before. Groaning, I know I crossed a line and need to fix it. Tearing through my cupboards I find just the things I’m looking for. Marshmallows, chocolate bars and graham crackers. I’ll build a fire in the pit out back, make her dinner and s’mores. That will be a good enough apology, what woman doesn’t like s’mores? Re Hiding the goods I head back to set up the fire pit. My guess is she’ll be hiding out in the bathroom awhile just to escape me… The asshole.

It isn’t long before I am done in the shower, I never was one to doddle and wastewater. You have got to be kidding me? There isn’t a towel in sight! Did he do this on purpose? Does he really enjoy torturing me that much that he’d stoop so low as to not give me a towel? Opening the door quietly I listen for where in the house he might be, but it’s quiet. Maybe if I make a dash to the couch and grab my things I’ll be able to make it back to the bathroom before he sees me. It’s practically a straight shot… Straight down the hall, left to the couch and back again. I got this!
Opening the door wide I break for it but as I make the left I crash straight into a man I don’t know. Screaming as I take him to the ground his arms wrap around me as if to protect me from harm. We land in an ungraceful heap; looking up I see he is smiling down at me. He’s Native American and around Levi’s age.
“Well hello there white woman, I’m Yanto. I’m also single just in case you were wondering.” His arms tighten their hold on me,
“Oh God no! Let me go, Let me go.” He laughs heartily and releases me. Climbing to my feet as quickly as I can I scream again when Levi crashes into the room from the back of the house. He looks from me to the stranger Yanto but before he can say anything I bolt back to the bathroom completely mortified! Slamming the door I got for the lock only to find out that there isn’t one when I hear Levi and Yanto talking. Levi sounds pissed!
“What the fuck was that Yanto? Why are you in my house? Did she let you in? Why is she still naked?”
“I let myself in like I always do. She came around that corner like her ass was on fire. I’m assuming she was going for the clothes but she pummeled me instead. No harm was done, I didn’t touch anything I wasn’t suppose too. I can smell the mating scent on her, I know she is off limits.” Mating scent? I just bathed, I can’t possibly smell, can I? They must think my hearing really sucks cause they just keep talking like I’m not in the house.
“She doesn’t know it yet, I still haven’t come to terms with it and I probably never will. So keep it down and don’t mention it to anyone. I need you back here tomorrow night with everyone. I’m taking Clover on her journey and you’ll be lead pack enforcer till I get back. There’s more though that everyone should hear together. Tomorrow at 8 by the fire.”