

Write a short story that uses atleast two of the given situations:
1. An old, locked box in the attic.
2. A winding staircase that goes nowhere.
3. A broken mirror.
4. An old desk with a locked drawer.

Alisha, an architecture student was living in Mumbai with two of her friends. She was in a relationship for three years and two days ago they broke up due to a misunderstanding.
She was depressed and decided to spend her time travelling alone.
When she decided to travel to her hometown, she saw a mail near the door.
It was a contract of some huge amount for interior designing an old mansion in Ladakh.
Her friends told her to accept the contract so that it could distract her.

She travelled to Ladakh. It took hours to find the mansion. She went there, an old man and women were waiting for her. They gave the key to her and said " call us when you finish your work." She was a bit confused as except her, no one has come for the work.
But she didn't care and went inside the house.
It was very big with old paintings on the walls. She began to plan about the designs and called to her work colleagues to help her in designing but no one picked the calls. She was annoyed and suddenly she looked at a picture on the wall that looked exactly like her boyfriend. She stared at the picture in surprise. She was curious to know about the man on the picture. She started roaming in the house to know about its history.
She then stepped in large bedroom and saw a broken mirror and suddenly she shouted in pain as she placed her foot on a broken piece from the mirror. She was bleeding. When she looked down there were traces of blood . She thought that it was her blood and she began to search for first aid kits or some cloth to stop the bleeding. She saw an old desk and she tried to open the drawer but it was locked.
She then found an handkerchief and she placed them on the foot to stop bleeding.
when she looked above she found something hanging. She pulled them, and a staircase came down, it was an attic. She went up and found an old box in the attic. It was locked. She decided to break it. She found a steel handle nearby and broke the lock.
She was shocked, when she opened the box, there were photos of her taken with her boyfriend.
She stood up in shock. And suddenly she heard a sound, she moved a bit forward in fear, there was a staircase,when she stepped on first step, someone hit her from behind, and she rolled down. She lost her consciousness.
After hours she opened her eyes .She was tied along with her boyfriend. Alisha screamed in fear. she found that her boyfriend was pushed on the mirror and stabbed in the stomach, as there were scars on the forehead and a knife in the stomach.
There were footsteps coming near her, to her surprise, she saw old women and man who gave her the key.
She questioned, "Why did you kill my boyfriend?,Who are you, what do you want from us?", they both undressed themselves, they both were wearing Jeansand crop tops.
they asked her, " dont you know us" she replied,"no".
They started to remove makeup on their faces,as they were disguised as old women and man.
It was her two friends.

Only now she came to know that, they both were sisters and one of them loved her boyfriend.
As he rejected her(one of the sisters), and accepted Alisha, they decided to murder both of them.
Everything was planned accordingly.
They were the reason for their misunderstanding, they told her boyfriend about the interior designing so that he will come to the mansion to apologize. As per their plan , he came ..they murdered him.
ALISHA was crying . They burned her alive with him and they ran off to Mumbai.