

Unspoken words
It was Wednesday, she was doing her class work on her bench. Suddenly Aarush came and sat beside her. Akansha noticed that he was feeling uncomfortable. She asked him …What’s the matter Aarush?
Aarush said, I was playing and I got hurt on my left hand and now it is paining very badly.
She said Aarush let’s go school’s clinic!
He said, no! I will be fine. She was worried so, she took her handkerchief and sock in the water and roll over his left hand. She asked him, are you feeling well? He replied, not yet! Akansha called her home teacher and told her everything…her ma’am called his parent and they took him home!
After this incident, she was very worried about him! Then she realised why would she worrying about him, he is just her classmate. But she couldn’t control …..she kept thinking about him.