

Dancing Mariota
"Oh No" here she comes again I whisper underneath my breath as I see my sister's friend turning to my house. She usually comes by on the weekends since during the week they both go to a dance academy on downtown Jefferson thirty minutes away from my house. Actually they met there for the first time according to my sister Amy.

I have a lot of questions about Amy's friend she creeps me out most of the times all I know about her is her name is Mariota she's twelve years old like my sister and that she loves dancing and that she goes to the same dance academy as my sister that's all I know. But what really creeps me out about her is the way she is and how she looks she always wears the same clothes always has her head down never says hi to me or my mom she always seems sad and depressed the only time I actually see her smiling is when she's dancing I never see her talking to my sister neither which is weird because she comes to practice with her and not even like that have I heard her talk. And in all honesty I don't think Amy feels comfortable when she's here is just something about Amy's acting when Mariota is here she's not her self. I decided to ask Amy the truth about Mariota I can't have this doubts no more so Saturday evening after Mariota left I asked Amy how her and Mariota met so she started telling me that they had met at the dance academy lil stars three weeks ago that she had gone to a restroom break while the class was taking a break when she got to the restroom she heard a girl crying and it was Mariota Amy said she asked her why she was crying? Mariota said she was upset at her mom because she didn't want to bring her to the dance practice and also that she was tired because she had to walk from her house to lil stars because she didn't want to miss the class Mariota also told her that the only reason she could afford the classes was because her aunt told her mom she would pay for her classes with only one condition that the mom would bring her to classes which she wouldn't most of the times Amy also said Mariota didn't go to school that she would just stay home and help her mom. So that day they met Mariota also told Amy that she had done something bad to her mom that she had stoled her prescription some pills for depression that her mom will take and that she had stoled them just to make her mom more mad. According to Amy after that day they became friends or dancing partners at least. I also asked Amy how she felt when Mariota was here and what she told me I was kind of expecting but afraid to hear it Amy told me she was afraid of Mariota that Everytime she would come over she would get the chills and that she never talked to her also that more than once she would catch Mariota staring at her for no reason and the only time she looked normal was when she would dance and that the only time they had a decent conversation was when they talked in that restroom I told Amy why she never told us anything and of course she said she was afraid to hurt Mariotas feelings. So I told Amy not to worry that I would talk to Mariota the next day and tell her she wasn't welcomed to our house any more which of course Amy was happy she was finally going to stop coming over.

That night I couldn't sleep I was turning and turning on my bed I was even sweating when I finally got to sleep I had a nightmare of Mariota I dreamed she was inside my room with the white dress she always wears dancing with a disturbing smile and a very very creepy dance. That morning I was getting ready to talk to Mariota and once and for all tell her she wasn't welcomed no more but of course I was more creeped out of her since that nightmare I had about her so I was thinking and thinking of the words to use not to hurt her feeling. even my mom gave me some tips on what to tell her. After a few hours I see Mariota walking in my property thru my window she looked upset then she finally opens the door and walks straight to Amy's room not even giving me a chance to talk to her. Amy was already in her room so I decided to go outside to keep rehearsing what I was going to tell her about twenty minutes after I go inside and see Amy in sitting in the kitchen with a pale face so I asked her what was wrong and what she told me still gives me the chills till this day she told me Mariota was upset at both of us that she had heard everything we were talking about her last night and also that she had gone to my room to do a little routine dance when she told me that I was convinced Mariota wasn't a normal girl so the dream I had was actually real I could not believe it so I went up stairs since Amy's room was in the second floor and I was ready to tell Mariota to leave my house I was angry and scared also I didn't know what to think to be honest when I got to Amy's room I saw something super creepy that also hunts me I saw Mariota dancing looking at her self in the mirror with a creepy smile and lost stare and her elbows up to her ears with her hands hanging I ran super fast to the kitchen where my mom and Amy were waiting for me since they thought I was going to tell Mariota to leave when they saw me running they knew I had failed and that something was worng. I just told my mom and Amy to stay in the kitchen until Mariota leaves by herself and that we didn't need to worry about her for the whole week since the next day was Monday and that she didn't come until Friday so I had the whole week to find out where she lived and talk to her mom to let her know we didn't want Mariota In our house any more about three hours later we see Mariota come down of the stairs this time even more upset not looking anywhere just straight to the door she also slamming the door. Everyone in my house had it with Mariota so I had made a decision of taking Amy with me to lil stars to talk to her coach and ask her if I could get Mariotas information and address to talk personally to her mom. So the next day Amy and I drove to lil stars after a thirty minutes drive we got there which it was a bad time since Amy's coach was about to leave she was getting in her car so I told Amy to stop her that we had a question but coach Sam was in a hurry and told us if it was important to get in the van with her that she had some errands to do she was driving the lil stars mini van and it was full of her adult dancers
so I sat in the front with her and Amy sat In the back with the girls but they were all talking loud so they didn't gave me a chance to ask my question and also coach Sam didn't seem like she was in a hurry to hear me out she was more worried about getting to the store coach Sam told Amy and I that we were going to the store to buy flowers and cute decorations for a girl so I just stayed quiet the whole way finally when we got to the store all the 5 girls including Amy and coach Sam got down to the store they were so happy they were together and I just stayed in the van akward as could be after like twenty minutes we were back on the road and finally coach asked me what was my question which of course I didn't feel comfortable asking a question about a creepy twelve year old with a vehicle full of happy girls so I just lied and asked her if Amy was going to have classes Tuesday to Friday again I felt so dumb after like 35 minutes on the road we finally got to our destination but the weird thing is it was a cemetery so all the girls got the flowers and decorations out of the van. Me and Amy not knowing what was going on asked Coach Sam why we were there so she told us two years ago a dance traine had passed away in her academy and that she didn't have anyone to care for her so her and the girls would go every July 7th to the cemetery to leave the girl roses and decorations and also that after the cemetery they would go to the girls house to check out on her mom since she was not doing well. So after like 10 minutes of walking we finally got to the tombstone there what me and Amy saw frightening us till this day I could not believe what we were seeing there it said Mariota Perez born October 18 2004 to July 7 2016 I froze and Amy started crying. Coach asked us if we were okay so I told coach what me and Amy had gone thru of course she didn't believe us she told us Mariota had passed away two years ago in the restroom of lil starts due to a overdose of her mom prescription pills for depression. And that she would take us to her mom's house to confirm that we were wrong so we left confused as could be until we finally arrived to Mariotas house after like five minutes of Knocking Mariotas mom opened the door she didn't look healthy and parts of her hair were falling and she looked like she was on some kind of drugs Coach and the dance girls started talking to the mom and making sure she was Ok I guess that was their routine to take care of the mom there Amy and I saw pictures of Mariota on the wall were she looked happy and healthy. Mariotas mom was not ok she would yell laught out of no where and also she would yell calling for Mariota asking her to come say thank you to the Coach and the girls that were there taking the time to visit I guess the coach and the girls were used to it but I really believed she would see Mariota in the house. After that we never saw Mariota again but to be honest I was still afraid to see her walking to my house like before. I've been trying to forget about Mariota but sometimes I just can't even tho it's been three years since I can't get that image out of my head when I saw her in Amy's room dancing with her creepy grin and dead like dancing!!