

Sharp minded killer or something else?
The scandal could ring the death of his career. The naked woman in his bed lay with unseeing eyes staring at him. He stood over her with a knife in his hand and no memory of who she was or why he killed her.

He left the knife and fearfully said , "hello, hello get up, what happened, have I done this? No this is not true".While he was understanding what happened, someone knocked the door.

He was so frightened, he didn't wanted to open the door, but suddenly someone called ,"Mark, open the door what happened to you why you left the party yesterday night ".He was Mark's friend Henry, listening his voice Mark suddenly opened the door, and said that he had not done all this, Henry was not understanding what Mark is speaking about but when he looked towards the bed he was shocked.

He said," how could you do this Mark, what have you done with this woman?" Mark replied aggressively that he didn't know who she is.

Suddenly Mark turned towards Henry and slapt him badly and ran away from there.
Mark reached his home after a long drive.He was so frightened about whatever happened, he unlocked the front door to enter in the room, he went upstairs and opened the door of his room.

All lights of his room were off, but everywhere candles were burning, and someone was sitting on the chair in front of him.
He asked, " who are you?"
The person sitting on the chair took a candle and brought it towards face . Seeing the face of the person Mark' s eyes enlarged , he whispered, " how is it possible? " Saying this he started moving backwards, his leg bumped up with table and he fell off , his head bumped up with
dumbbell and he became unconscious.The person sitting on the chair was the same woman who was supposed to be killed by Mark.

Next day Mark found himself on his bed, Henry was standing infront of window and talking to police officer that Mark had not done this.

Mark said,"You are correct I have not done this". Henry said that police can anytime reach here he should move.
Without thinking anything Mark moved down the staircase and ran towards the car.He started driving , he was not knowing where he has to go, he again saw the same girl staring him from his own balcony.
He said, "no, this is wrong ".He started his driving and drove till he crossed his city. He left his car, his keys and put off his sunglass and covered his head with hat.
He moved on towards the park and started thinking about what happened day before yesterday.
He remembered that when he was in party someone was continously staring him , he was unable to recognize his face because he was drunk, but he was clear that any girl was dancing with him whom he doesn't know.

He was so drunk that he was unable to remember her face also but the hotel manager was his friend so he decided to take her help.

Next day again he arrived to his city but his getup was like an old man. He entered in that hotel , he found the manager Amisha and said, " I am Mark, please listen to me before you start screaming at me, I have done nothing , something is not correct somewhere, someone is trying to stuck me, please help me, I am here because you can only help me".

She told him to ask what he wanted to ask,she told him he is a big actor and people loved him but now they have started hating him.

He said he had done nothing, he asked her whether she remembers who were the people trying to interact me among the people whom he knows on his birthday party. She said that she remembers that Henry was drinking and talking to his friends other actor were enjoying and dancing in his party but one girl was always with him and she was unable to remember her because her face was covered with mask.

She told that the girl had a tattoo of skull on her left hand.
Listening this Mark recognized that the murdered woman has the same tattoo, but the woman he saw in his home doesn't have any tattoo.

He understood that someone is plotting against him.He stood up and went out from the hotel reached to his friend home ,suddenly listened the police car sound .He ran away from there towards hotel again from another route.

When he arrived the hotel, it was going to be 7 o'clock, he thought he should take help of the Manager Amisha because it is safe place for him to hide as she know that he has done nothing wrong.

But at the same time he saw something he never expected, he moved away from that area and reached to police station.

Police officer saw him and told him that now he will be arrested because many guests of that hotel had seen him with that mudered woman and also seen him entering in the room with that woman.

Mark told he is not the murderer, he too out a mobile phone from his pocket and saw a picture to the officer.
Seeing that officer said " what is this?"
Mark said," Yes, Amisha is the murderer".
Mark explained," When I was about to move inside the Amisha's hotel I saw the woman looking same as the mudered woman, Amisha was giving her money and telling her to get lost from this country.

I understood that both are involved in murder, I stopped one man and asked for his phone, he was unable to remember me because I was in getup of an old man, I clicked pictures of both ladies(Manager and the woman, looked same as murdered woman) and ran away from there.

Police arrested Amisha and the woman named Shana, and asked why they have done all this?

Amisha told that she loves Mark, Mark used to stay in her hotel when he was struggling actor, but he was rich because his father is a big business man.
She told that she liked his attitude, his way of talking to her and his each and every gift, but when he became a superstar then he started ignoring me, he started to spent his time with famous actresses.

She said," Mark started to show off because he became richest man and his movies started to became superhit. Seeing all this I became jealous and I decided to make him a criminal ,whom no one likes.
So I called my twin cousins Shana and Lana, I explained my plan to them but Lana started blackmailing me because she had recorded my voice when I was explaining my plan to them to make Mark bankrupt.
She daily took lot of money from me so I decided to kill her and put all blame on Mark, Shana helped me in that.
That party night , Lana covered her face with mask and made Mark to drink more and more , Shana was dressed like a man and she was continuously noticing Mark and Lana, before Lana took Mark to the hotel room, I cutoff the connection of CCTV cameras and entered to the room before they entered there I killed Lana and and putted Mark body near Lana' s dead body.As Shana and Lana are twins , they look like each other so I decided to use Shana to sacred Mark so that he feel sorry for what he had done.But Nsrk is smart.

Today when Mark came to me I called you to arrest him but he was gone, and now I am trapped".