

♡ Close Intimacy with God ♡
“What a person desires is unfailing love; better to be poor than a liar.”
(Proverbs 19:22 NIV )

Intimacy is defined as a “close familiarity or friendship; closeness.” We all long for unconditional acceptance and closeness. We want to be cared for, known, understood, and loved for who we are . We long for relationships where we don’t have to lie about who we are or what we feel for fear of being less or poor in the eyes of others.but sad reality that most of us don't get this sort of intimacy or relationships.

But here on this earth we have chance to experience unfailing Love of our Heavenly Father and bring that love in action as Bible says...Love never fails!!! we can be vessels of His Love... As God is the starting place for this kind of intimacy. If we cannot be intimate with a perfect God, then we will certainly struggle to be intimate with imperfect people. Yet if we can be intimate with God, He can and will show us how to be free to experience the kind of intimacy in relationships that we all desire.

The story is what I believe it looks like to experience intimacy with God. He is interested and there for us no matter what the circumstances or personal cost. He is interested and there for us when everyone else is running in a different direction away from us.

You are so intimately aware of me, LORD. You read my heart like an open book and you know all the words I’m about to speak before I even start a sentence! You know every step I will take before my journey even begins.
Psalm 139:3-4 TPT

The first key to experiencing intimacy with God is believing He is interested in us. God knows us and wants to be close to us. Not only this, but God knows why we are here and what He has created us to do. He is invested in us and is helping us make the impact we are meant to have.We just need to submit everything to Him.

God wants us to be interested in Him: to know who He is, to believe in Him, and be close to Him. And He desires this, not out of selfishness, but knowing that being with Him is what is truly best for us in our lives and really bring pleasure to Him.