

Can A Judge Fix It
To many over here or out here but what?
But I get by. Sliding in to darkness asking
the right questions but never getting the
right answers but still moving on.Then
in my camper bus I race down the road
an the police stop the truck. And he got
camera's lady's 🍷. And a whole lot of
trouble on his hands they arrested the
driver. Then the police drive the lady's
back to there state. And they go back
to there parking lots get in there cars.
But while all of them were gone. There
cars were broken in to so it was a Rob.
Cars not on people so it's bad. the tour
trip kept them busy with other stuff while. There real cars were being wronged by the block around the way.
So now they feel some type of hate. And they try to sue that man and police.
But once they go before the judge. The
courts say he don't have to pay because
no one made y'all go on the trip so you
all did not have to leave your cars in an
unsafe area. So next time think out your
plans and research the area cause now a days with the pandemic any thing can happen and it is not always right.
© lashes sullivan