

Chapter 2
Erity was in Rikona's vision..Erity was told that her mother didnt make it out the war against the monster..while her father is in coma. One of her uncle took care of her, but she was abused by someone similar..it seems like Noriko, she laughs and bullies her on how she cant fight, Noriko shows off her skills..so she started sneaking out the house at midnight to find some newspaper...
"YOUNG SOLDIERS NEEDED" was written on the news.. "We welcome any young soon to be soldiers starting from 5 years old to 15 years!" Erity was surprised..
"We have most of the class! Swordsmen! Spearmen! Archer! Or maybe even something fancy! assassin! Mage! Summoner! Otherwise, be one of them monsters!! Be a Dragon! Be a-"
Erity didnt read it fully...she quickly looks for its location and runs.. meanwhile in reality..Rikona was suffering from a hard headache as she sees Erity's past..

Erity escaped and has been training everyday, she even wanted to train longer, until one day..the monsters attack again, she watches as everyone was being killed, she tries to fight and managed to kill some of them..her town was on fire while monsters keeps coming..countless of them, then out of nowhere, someone took her..she didnt know..her brother was training there too..
"I...i thought you were killed too.."
Meanwhile...Erity was about to see Rikona's past but she got hit by a monster, so Noriko quickly takes her to safety.
"Erity!! ERITY!! What..happened to you?!"
Rikona's parents tried to save her as they were being attacked, the roof broke and it hit her mother's head, before the father could try to get her out, a monster got in and bites off a flesh, he carried Rikona, heading to the door, but the monster pulled him and swings him around, soldiers burst in killing the monster..unfortunately..it was too late, Rikona cried her eyes out staring at her parents, seeking help..

the soldier saw her and tried to put her to safety..but he was attacked and dropped her...when she raises her head up, Erity was there helping her to get up and carried her. But suddenly..the vision was flashing red while everyone's face are covered by black dot, except for Rikona..Erity and Noriko. After all that, Erity realized that she's been unconscious for awhile.
"Erity! What happened to you?!"
Erity quickly stood up, she was really angry, she shouted as loud as possible as her eyes glows black, she vanished and left a black magical sparkling smoke, Noriko noticed that suddenly all the monsters were sliced into pieces, and dark clouds coming to cover the sun, forming a monster by clouds, with its eyes and mouth glowing red, it starts roaring loud enough to shake and destroy houses that are weak, the red lights becomes brighter and solid, everyone covered their eyes including the monsters.

Everything are all red while monsters just disappear in ashes, some explodes and melts. People tried to ask whats going on but they cant even hear themselves..it was...dead silent for a few minutes...Rikona was unconscious..suddenly the sunlight has entered through the red smoke, making them all disappear.. one of the soldier said
"What...what was that?!"
A girl came to Noriko carrying Erity.
"Ruhimi! What happened to her?!"
"She..used one of her ability.. she's..not trained well enough for it.. so she's goimg to be unconscious for awhile.."
Noriko was so worried. Meanwhile, Rikona was quickly taken to the medical room. A gaurd said
"We heard kids panicking and crying..then we saw her laying on the floor unconscious"
"Well..there's nothing wrong with her.. "
They noticed her bracer is glowing, so they tried to take it off, but it burnt them.
"I see.. this isn't just a normal bracer, we must find who else has been wearing these.. otherwise why is it missing?"
One of the gaurd seem to know about the bracer..

"I think i know who is the real owner of this bracer"
They started taking kids to their room section. And while Noriko was just watching Erity still unconscious, she couldn't stop worrying, and is always in fight mode. Ruhimi opened the door a bit aggressively which scares Noriko and grabs her sword.
"Wow...are you..okay?"
Noriko was shock...then her hands started shaking, losing grip of her heavy sword and drops it. Then the other 3 girls come in. One of them said
"She's acting weird! Thats why me, Jin and Usagi left for a bit!"
Ruhimi frowns and said
Leiko gasped..shock..and quite frightened.
"Im..im sorry.. WELL NOT! Me and my girls have better things to do, see ya!"
Jin didn't agree to go.
"I will stay.."
Leiko got mad.
"Fine! Stay with them and be like them! BORING TRASH!"
Leiko grabbed Usagi's wrist and pulls her as she says
"Come on Usagi, lets go!"
Usagi didn't want to go but she's afraid to reject. Jin takes off her hood and sat on the bed where Erity sleeps on.

Jin grabs her hand, while Ruhimi and Noriko confusingly watches.
"I've never really been able to know her much even as a team, Noriko introduced me to her, she seems nice, im just not comfortable. And now it weights on my chest, maybe this will be the last"
Suddenly Erity lets out a tired laugh, they all was shock and scared. So Noriko tries to calmly asks
"Are...are you awake!?.."
Erity's eyes are closed but she smiles
"Im awake the whole time..i just dont have much power to move..but atleast i have a little power to talk..silly Jin"
Ruhimi decides to ask
"What exactly happened to you?"
"I think I've seen what Rikona saw before she was rescued by me.. i hope she doesn't see mine...well..all of mine.."
"And.. i noticed one of your bracer is gone, did...you..-"
Erity cuts in
"I gave one of mine to her...she must've worn it already, i thought it wasn't true that if this bracer are worn by a new person while one is still attached to the older one, both of them will see eachother's past, i happened to see her bad past.."
They noticed Erity was getting exhausted while talking, so Ruhimi said
"Okay you know what? Rest for now and hope tomorrow gets better"

Jin still keeps looking at Erity..
Rikona was still..unconscious? The next day morning, Noriko and Ruhimi woke up hearing a fight outside their room, Ruhimi tried to sleep again while Noriko struggles to keep her eyes open, so Jin starts shaking Noriko
"Hey..lets go outside check what's happening...Erity is not on her bed anymore"
Noriko quickly freaks out and stood up, losing balance since she's still really tired..meanwhile..it was Leiko arguing with Erity while Usagi stood there hopelessly.
"How..DARE YOU KILLED ALL OF THEM you..IDIOT!! They were mine!!"
"Look Leiko just stop..it wasn't my intention to do it"
"Oh yeah?! So why you did it?! I bet you regret waking up huh! How dare you stole my position!!"
"What was your position?, i didnt mean to do it, and you wanted this town to be dead like Izashkza? Not to mention, i heard from Jin that you were almost killed but she went to save you risking her own life"

Leiko got a flashback..one of the monster was about to smash her with its gigantic hammer, but Jin quickly went on its way seconds away from smashing her, she used her magic shield but it got distroyed as soon as it hits, it pushes the monster away as it drains most of her power.
Leiko didn't know what to say, so she tried to slap Erity..but someone grabbed her wrist while Erity stood there emotionless. It was..Jin.
"W-well...i..i know you saved my life..but..if you think i owe you something because of that, YOU'RE DEAD WRONG!!"
"Just get out of here, and stop fighting about nonsensical crap. Okay?"
Leiko swings her arm away and left..so Usagi just follows, but then Jin grabs her wrist and pulled her inside their room. Noriko came out and hugged Erity.
"Usagi..tell me..why are you going with Leiko?"
Usagi didn't know what to answer, then Ruhimi accidentally scares them by answering.
"Hmm..she's probably Leiko's most loyal friend or maybe she ow-"
"I thought you're sleeping!! You scared me!"
Usagi decides to answer
"Well um...to make it sure..if it wasn't for her..i wouldn't be here.. so..i can't just..leave her.."

Ruhimi rolls her eyes and asks
"Maybe..you can tell us your story about you and her"
"I..i would rather keep it private..i must go now"
Ruhimi stood up from her bed and walks towards her
"If you want to leave, you must make sure that you make your friend behave.."
Jin awkwardly laughs and pushes Ruhimi away
"D-dont listen to her! She's.. a psycho"
"Huuuuuuuh..? Me..? A psycho..? Eheh..im just sick of people like Leiko especially if she has a hopeless friend thats literally as hopeless as a bunny"
Jin gasped and punches her on her chest.
"You shouldn't talk like that! Its like saying you hate yourself too!"
Jin didnt know what to do, she took Usagi outside the room and ran, passing by Erity and Noriko. Erity said
"Jin looked so worried..what happened.."
"Um..i think its best we dont interfer..well for now?"

Then they saw Ruhimi getting outside the room with her hand on her chest, breathing heavily. Erity ran while Noriko yells her name
"What happened?! Did you get into a fight?!"
"I guess i woke up at the wrong time..dont worry, i will explain later..i just want to get myself some breakfast now.."
"We will eat with you! We haven't eaten yet, right Erity?"
Erity nodded..Ruhimi just stares at them for a bit then smirks.
"Alright.. lets go.."
But then as they were eating, Erity was eating so much and so fast, her hands were shaking quite a bit..she noticed they were looking at her but they quickly tried to look away like they didnt see that, so she laughs and said
"Im sorry, im just starvinnnng, i haven't eaten anything since the time i passed out, good thing it was just for a day"
Meanwhile.. Jin and Usagi was just sitting while Leiko turns her back to them. All quiet..