

I am Lucky to Have you ( Part 5)
Edward - I am here on a holiday 😄.

Alice - Ohk , come on I will make you something nice . What do you want to eat ?

Edward - Noodles 😋😋

Alice - Ohk 😂you haven't changed a bit.

Edward - Yea,🥱plz make it fast I am already sleepy .

Alice - Ohk , ohk sir .

( After 10 minutes)

Alice - Here are your noodles eat it and go to sleep than .

Edward - Ummm its really amazing.😘thanks sissy

Alice - 😊until you like it .

Edward - I am going to sleep now , byy good 🌃 night sis.

Alice - Good night 😊.

( Alice comes in her room )

Alice ( I should call Malice and tell her everything that happened to me she is going to be amazed listening to all these .🤭)

(..........triii.....triiiiiii......triiiiiii) phone ringing
Alice - Hello malice

Malice - Yeah 🥱🥱why are you calling me so late .

Alice - I want to tell you something .😍

Malice - Yes , I am listening

Alice - (Tells her the whole story) and do you know what's more surprising he offered me a job as a helper in his company and also gave me a flat 🤭🤭I am so happy

Malice - What congratulations🥳, but I think there is something fishy 🧐🤨here why would a rich man like him would be so sweet to you and help you .🤨🤨

Alice - Oh that thought didn't cross my mind . Maybe he just want to compensate me because, because of him I lost my job thats why 🙂

Malice - Maybe , that can be a reason . But you have to be super careful ohk these rich man we cannot predict what they can do next .ohk do you understand me .

Alice - Yes, yes I got you.

Malice - Ohk than I am going to sleep Byy Good night 🥱🌃.

Alice - Ohk good night.

Alice's mind ( she told me to be careful , I will definitely be ,but I am so excited tomorrow is my jobs first day 🤭🤭)

( Morning)

Alice- Ohk , I am ready I have already made breakfast for edward and also stick a note on it telling everything.

Alice ( The car is here ) ( sits in the car )
{ Car starts }
( this a luxurious car )

Driver - Here we are mam now you can go .

Alice - Ohk thankyou .

To be continued..........

( If there is any problem feel free to tell me in the comments I will definitely improve that, thanku 😊)