

Subject Analysis: Subject Zero
Starting Log...

It is Thursday the 12th of April, Senior Officer Mike Lewis is in charge of this report. We do not currently have a hold of this subject so remain aware of possible future encounters with this entity.

Subject ID: 0
Subject Name: David Trope
Estimated Age of Subject: 58 human years.
Date of first encounter: Monday the 2nd of April.
Name of Victim: Clarissa Thomson
DOA status: Alive
Last Known Location of Subject: HenterShire
Threat Level: Moderate
Known Weaknesses: N/A
Creature Type: It appears hat subject 0 is an unfamiliar being, with the ability to teleport and has an inhumane strength to them yet they are a solid humanoid. It is likely they are also able to detect brainwaves from humans and have a mild telepathic power. We do not know if they are murderous or tame just yet...

Additional Information: Subject 0, also known as David Trope has donned the appearance of a Farmer wearing green overalls, a pair of Wellington boots and a light blue button up shirt. He appears to give off a fake sense of comfort and safety in order to allow his victims to get close to him. It is apparent there may have been an earlier victim than Ms. Thomson however we were unable to recover any information besides the name 'Sherrie'.

This report will be updated if any further information is released about the subject in question.

WARNING: RED LEVEL CREATURE ON THE LOOSE!!!! Recently information has come to our attention that one of our own men was killed by Subject 0. It is unknown what he had in common with the subject but it is likely due to him seeing Alfred Burnett's murder when subject 092-441 infected him with murderous parasites. It appears subject 0 is able to befriend the other subjects which has been unheard of until today.

This report will be updated if there is any more news on the subject or victims.

Current Victims to Subject Zero: 1

We are working hard to catch this subject but it is looking like its it's going to be a hard task to complete. We wish the best for our elite teams in finding and capturing this creature.

End of Report.

Date is: Tuesday the 24th of April.

Author: Sergeant O'Toole
© 1mmanic