

Panic Attack
A wave of all to familiar feelings swept over me
I fall against some lockers with a loud "clang"
I look around the hall and see that I'm the only one there
Another wave comes over me, but this time, it's relief
I slowly fall to the ground and pull my knees to my chest
I can feel the tears running down my face as my body starts heating up
I can hear the loud singing from the gym on the other side wall
Then suddenly, I hear the door to the gym open and footsteps coming down the hall
I feel someone's hand against my back
I look up to see who it is, but there's no one and the feel faded
I hear the door open again, and more footsteps coming dodown the hallway, except this time, they're real
I look up and see a teacher coming down the hallway towards me
When she reaches me, see sits down next to me and places her hand on my back
As soon as she does that I realise something,
Part of me is crying for the same reason I left the gym,
But another part of me is crying because, I was reminded, in that moment, of how much I miss you