

Love Is Lead Us Together _Jeon Jungkook FF (BTS)_ Oneshot
"Y/n...wake up...wake up.."

Y/n was struggling around and she opened her eyes until she meet Jungkook eyes.

"Hey, wake up.! We're gonna be late. I'll wait at the kitchen."

She nodded and he left. She get up and take a shower.


She wore her uniform and take her stuff and go to the kitchen.

"Good morning Y/n."

Her mom greet her.

"Good morning.."

She back hug her mom and saw Jungkook chuckling. She sat beside him and waiting for the food.

As she took a glance to Jungkook, She felt that something was wrong.

'What's wrong with that face..? I'll ask him later.'


As they were walked to the school, Jungkook just keep silent and Y/n didn't even know what happened because Jungkook is talkative person. But, today he's silent.

"Hey, what's wrong? Why did you keep silent from earlier.?"

Jungkook look at her and dragged her fastly to the school.

"Jungkook stop.! Look at me! Tell me what's wrong!?"

She said as all the students look at them.


Jungkook spoke. She just wait for what he want to said.


"Jungkook just say it.."

"I love you okay.!"

That was make Y/n in deadly shocked.

'Did he said that he loves me?'

"I know this is crazy but I like you since met, since we're kid Y/n. I love you!"

But in a second, Y/n jump and hug him. Jungkook was shocked and heard what he wanna heard.

"I love you too Jungkook!"

He look at her and started to hug each other.

"So, it meant we're couple now!"

Everyone clapped for them and the bell rang. They were holding their hand together and walked to the class.

"Looks like we have a new couple here.."

The teacher said teasingly that makes Y/n blushed and Jungkook chuckled.

All the time that their together was so happy and full of loves..

Until oneday....

"Y/n, can I ask you something.?"

They were seat at the beach and Y/n look at him.

"Just tell me.."

"Whenever I go, would you stay with me? Wait for me?"

She look at Jungkook and started to worried.

"What are you talking about? You're not gonna leave me right?"

He sighed heavily before spoke.

"Yes, I have Y/n because I had a work. I need to move and go to Seoul. But promised me one thing here."

She turn to him and look at his eyes deeply.

"Promised me that you will waiting for me until I get you up. Promise me?"

He lead a pinky promise and Y/n take it too with a heavy damn worries.

"I will waiting for you Jungkook.."

They hug each other and went home.



Bye Jungkook..I love you.!"

They hugged each other and Jungkook left her at the airport. Y/n go to her home and crying silently.

_Two days later_

'Beep. Beep.'

Y/n reacher her phone and she look so happy at the person's name.

Lovely Jungkook

She picked it up and heard Jungkook voice.

"Y/n! How are you lovely!"

"Jungkook! I miss you!!"

"Me too!"

They and talked until night. They hang up and sleep.

4 years later

They were lost contact all of sudden because they were busy at work and now Y/n was working with her brother and sometimes she reminded her memories with Jungkook and she wonder what and how was Jungkook this time..

"Y/n! Hurry we're gonna be late! Take this and hurriedly get in the car!"

She took the bag and run to the car. They were moving to Seoul and Y/n was expecting that she could see Jungkook there!

'I can't wait it!

But suddenly, she have no time to go because their boss want to complished their business.

'I'm sorry Jungkook. I have no time..'

They keep working and Y/n want to take her brother at some place.

As she was walking, she bumped into someone's chest. She got up and bowed fastly to him and don't even look at him. He bowed too and they continue to walk.




Taehyun open his arm widely to hug her sister. They hugged each other and happily walked to home.


She run to her brother and saw that their kitchen is run out of food.

"You stay here and I got some stuff."
She wanted to leave but Taehyun pulled her wrist.

"I wanna go too.!"

"Okay fine! Come on!"

That go to the shop and search for all the foods.

"Ramen..ramen... there you are!"

She tried to get it but the ramen was so high. Then someone took it and gave to her. She look at him and they were staring at each other.

'Those eyes..is it..? No..it's not him..'

She bowed and leave him.

Meanwhile the guy felt it too..

'She was come here..? I'm really happy for that!"

He left and saw someone that he know.

'Isn't that Taehyun and that girl that I have bumped and help her earlier. Is this her.? Is this you Y/n?'

_the next day_

Y/n was gonna take her brother again but today she's gonna in the building because her brother felt sick and properly cannot walk.

"Eonni, I'm sorry.."

"No, now come on let's go."


She turn around and saw him...



She suprised and happy at the same time. Those eyes, the iles, she missed all of them so much.


They hugged and they finally get together back.

'After a long journey of waiting your love is hard, but trust me Love Is Lead Us Together no matter what.'


Hi Cloudys! How was it? I'm sorry for all my grammar and mistakes. I hope you enjoy it and one of last! I love you!!
