

Tony's Goodbye
She was a completely complicated person. She was known for being a good person but bitch like no other and she took pride in that. Love wasnt something she was fimilar with see in her life everyone who ever said they loved her hurt her in the most unspeakable ways. So she never knew what live was because she never felt it from anybody , not her mother father siblings she was always alone. It was a sad wayvto live if u can call that living. Everyday she got up got dressed and put on a brave smile all along broken in so many pieces. The funny part is she had love for all of her friends managed to always be there to lend them a ear or a shoulder anything they needed but dont ask her for her opinion because she gave it.
It was like living in the eye of a hurricane anyway she moved it was gonna be a storm for her. She knew love once and it ended so badly she barely got out with her life.
So she turned her pain into this darkness that only she would deal with only she was gonna feel its emptiness its hollow.
After a couple of years she got so used to the hollow she began to find comfort in it.
A long time ago she wrote down the things she nedded in someone, they were so unbelievable nobody would ever come close,she was safe in the eye of the storm.
Never to be loved , never to truly live. her heart was about to turn to stone never to feel again and when this happend she would turn to stone with it. See she was a fairy and she was missing her magic her powerful magic one no other fairy chould match;one that could only come from the purest thing in the world love.
One day she was preparing for the inevitable the time was near she was becoming a stone fairy dying of a broken heart.
He was the wildest fairy prince in all of the kingdom. He was hell bent on doing things his way he had something to prove but even he wasnt sure who he had to prove it too.He really had a way with the ladies and believe you me he had many of them.
He was tobe crowned kingin a few days buthe wasnt ready. Something was pulling him away from a life he thought would be the death of him.
It was coming fast and on the day before he was to be crowned he was smoking these magic fairy rocks and came across this old ugly fairy.He was very ugly to her tellingher to get out of his way he was to be king and he wanted no ugly fairies in his kingdom. He pushed her down and nobody helped her.
Well in the crowed was the soon to be stone fairy and when he raised his hand she reached deep down inside herself and did the unthinkable. She cast what she thought was gonna be her last spell
by the powes of the madien the mother and the crow her pain he will know that on this day on this night the pain he gives so freely will be returned to him untill love replaces his might.
only love can lift this spell with the power in me so mote it be
At that moment nothing happend ,and the arrogant fairy busted his trowsers laughing.
The stone fairy still between them saw a tear escape the old fairys eye and when it hit the floor the spell took ahold of them andnow they were all lifted into a bright light.
What in Gods name is happening they all thought and from the heavens they heard this.
Stone fairy you gave the last of yourself to help this beautiful fairy; the voice said.Prince tony you take for granted those things and ppl that love u the most.So i am the powers that be and both of your destiny's will now be entwined if you know love u know life if you fail to find it you both lose your life, your memories are now blank and only the kiss of true love can bring them back.
As the 2 of them were lifted ito the air the old fairy turned into this breathtaking pink light see she was no ordinary fairy she was a God Fairy and she was not to be played with. So in a thunderous roar they were tossed into the near by pond. Neither of them knew who they were or where they came from and all of the kingdom forgot who they were as well.
They both washed up on the banks of the pond and when they awoke they were holding each other. He woke first miss miss please wake up reluctantly she woke and when he set eyes on her his heart skipped a beat.
Hi im um, he scratched his head well i dont know my name.
She giggled and said well silly ny names and at that moment she shook her head i cant remember my name.
Both of them sitting there looking confused and really trying to remember who they were.
Swimming in the pond was a beautiful mermaid and the merfolk were not tricked by fairy magic because they lived underwater.
So the marmaid swims up and decides to do them a solid.
Hey. hey you two. Hey u dumbass fairy's your names are tony and illiana and your ti be married soon. The nermaid knew it was a lie but she was bored and wanted to watch something interesting.
Were what screamed both fairy's!!!!
oh hell no; tony said you must be wrong fish lady. Somebody must be dipping into the tarter sauce.
That enraged the mermaid and she took a stone tossed it in the air and whipped it with her tail at tony and he had his back turned but illiana saw this and extended her hand over his shoulder and said like the rock flies so will u nothing will harm him but you will fly to the sea.
At that moment this beautiful pink red and purple raysflew from her hand lifted the mermaid outta the pond and flung her into the sea.
You saved me he told her and then he took her in his arms and kissed her.
So days turned into nights nights into weeks and soon they were living together and they learned what the other one wanted needed and loved.
Over a year had passed when the nermaid returned with her sisters and cast a spell of there own. Thete beautiful voices began to sing and the song went like this. two little fairys memories erased will now realize who they are and live there true life.
At that moment they were both embraced in a loving pose . when they wrre both tossed back with a might so powerful might. all there memories came flooding back. It was all so clear for every one un the kingdom. The funny part is it was as though only a minit had passed yet they both had there memories of both lives.
Prince tony its time to go back to the. kingdom and. take your place as our new king. Cheer up my lord your future queen will be there my what no im already betrothed. So they rushed him to his horse away from illiana.
Everythings happening so fast. he didnr even have time to breathe she couldnt catch her breath the tears fell so fast, he left he left without so much as a goodbye.
At that moment in her worst moment she began to recite the stone spell. he i stand hard as stone hearts been broken love us gone,my hearts is stone let my bodytake this form. it was such a sad moment the trees began to cry the birds began to cry and in the castle tony looked outside ; whats this whats happening tony asked but no one spoke and at that moment a beautiful pink and red smike dilled his room and with a colirful flash like the prettiest fireworks had went off there appeared the goddess herself .
Stupid boy, stupid stupid boy, i gave you the chance to feel the love of another the chance to have the only thing that matters ;matters to whom he shouted to whom. You put us under that dam spell and then it was over it wasnt real , he shouted.
Stupid boy , in all my years in all these ages and realms ive never veen able to manipulate love. that is the purest mist powerful emotion in all of time. No one not even i can do that.
Wait what youre telling me that she really does love me.
yes and now shes turning to stone!
not even u can undo that.
Please take me to her.
why it will di no good.said the goddess
please take me ok please. tony said
fine but i warn u it wont be nice.
tony took the goddess by the hand and then in a flash he appeared in the middle of the storm everything around them was suddenly beginning to turn to stone and in the distance he saw her kneeling down face in hands body half stone he ran to her.
illiana wait no; he screamed
she lifted her gaze to see his beautiful blue eyes and he took her in his arms
and said; im sorry i left and if this is your fate so shall it be mine ; he said as 2 become one a heart turned to stone will take me too for our love has no thorne.
and he kissed her with his heart for the first time.
Suddenly everything around them got even more chaotic and then incthe blunk if the eye it stopped.
Both of them were locked in an embrace when he lifted his head and opened his eyes . He was sobbing so hard that the entire kingdom stopped to stare. it didnt work he sobbed because there was illiana in her stone form with the saddest face .
he dropped to his knees andbegan sobbing so hard that his tears began falling with such force that it shook the entire kingdom .
the goddess leaned foward and took the heart amulet around her neck and took both there hands and said.
dear boy u live her and ive lived long enough im ready to sleep.
what he said; take this and place it on her neck.
the goddess took her hand and said, her place is here and now and mine has cime and gone now let she and i switch let love show us the truth and give her back ger youth.
In a swirling wave of colors so wonderful so bright so pretty the 3 of them were engulfed in it. the goddess began to turn to stone and simultaneously illiana was returned.
When the smoke cleared, the goddess was stone and both tony and illiana were there in wedding gear.
Tony took his place as fairy king and by his side stood his love his heart his wife illiana; today i become your king and i give to you 2 gifts my kingdom; from this day forth on this day we will celebrate the gift the goddess gave to me.
We will celebrate her no work nothing but love for one another abd for our families.
The second gift is well your new queen will show u and illiana openead her cape to reveal her tiny little baby bump.
The kingdom let out a gleeful roar of happyness.
they lived happily ever after