

How being neglected feels.
Was there a point in your life where you wanted to stop, quit, and leave everything behind just to disappear to the point of changing and hiding your identity?
Then when you see people laughing you feel like they're laughing at your sorrows and misery,

Also felt like no matter how hard you try to fit in but you still feel like an outcast ,as if you don't belong and you start to question yourself and ask yourself that is there anything I lack? because I feel unseen and incomplete,

Whatever you do or say is never enough or valid for the people in your surrounding you just get judge and misunderstood for the way you express yourself,

Always feeling like you could be in your own world where there's no other person but yourself because you feel as if no one will get you as much as you get yourself and no one will question your lifestyle as there will be no one,

Everyday in the morning you feel like the day could just come to an end already before people start to talk their thoughts or perspectives about your life as if they truly know how you feel but when you really need them to advice you about certain situations in life then they become unavailable because it's no fun to them to help around but what's fun to them is to discriminate and also opinionate in situations that don't need them,
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