


" Hurry Up Bambie!" Captain Jean called out to his fifteen year old daughter Lara-Jean.

They were on board the Lara Claude von Kallistia destroyer ship named after Jean's late wife Lara.

The two had combined their names for their daughter, their miracle baby. They were told that there was no magic alive to reverse the curse.

Lara Chambers's womb was cursed and hence unconceiving. The sins of the father haunted the daughter and Lara Chambers cried herself to sleep every night.

Her father was the exiled count of the largest country in all of Kora. Pia was the second capital city of Kora right after Koriah and he had destroyed it to the ground.

The King had been so infuriated that he sent the whole family into exile. It was two decades later that Gavin Chambers earned the forgiveness of the King.

He had taken in Lara after the family was sent into exile. He was not married so Lara was basically his daughter. Gavin Chambers was Lara's only uncle and he adored her.

All his life Gavin Chambers paid for the mistakes of his older brother, he built Pia up with everything he had. Finally the King relented and reinstated the Chambers name but just for Gavin and Lara. And Lara's children.

Those were the only Chambers to be recognised into Kora.

When Gavin got sick, he married off Lara to his best friend and comrade High Lord Reuben Claude Von Kallistia's second son Jean.

Their marriage had been blissful and Lara had been the happiest. Jean loved her beyond imagination and had always been by her side no matter what.

Lara Claude Von Kallistia became a lady to the High family of the Koasa continent. The Koasa continent was on the southern kingdom of Kora and its beauty and size rivaled the central continent ruled by the royal family.

She was also the Queen's best friend and personal physician. Lara was a remarkable woman and was known in all of Kora.

When Queen Sloan got desperate and wanted to conceive, the King had to look for all possible ways but it was not happening.

Finally a young woman in a pink lace veil approached the young Queen on one of her known royal walks in the capital city of Kora, she had told her of the invincible seas of Koasa.

Queen Sloan had wanted to check them out despite her husband's increasing worry that it was all going to turn out horrible but upon his beloved's tears the King relented.

The royal carriage had left Koriah on the eve of the third month of the year with Lady Lara inside. They had disappeared for months throwing the entire kingdom into such chaos that the King's brother had closed the doors into the kingdom.

He encased the Kingdom under a golden dome to be released when the royal couple was found. Lord Jean had searched the seas so much that he ended up creating the legendary Kora Navy Military Force, its headquarters in Koasa.

The Navy soldiers were trained so mercilessly that no army on the ground or water could face them off and survive. They had practically lived on the seas and oceans and searched for the royals and Lady Lara none stop.

Until finally they found the island in which they were trapped in. The Doom Island as it is called today, when the destroyer came upon them the Queen was heavily pregnant and nearing labour and Lara was cursed.

What happened in that Island stayed in that island and till today no one knew what was it that happened there.

The Queen's life was in danger and so was the baby, neither could survive but Lara was determined. She had plucked a flower secretly from the Doom Island and came back with it.

It was a golden Valeriana flower that she turned into a medicinal concoction. She had drank it first and gave the rest to Sloan, she recovered considerably fast and gave birth to a healthy baby boy.

Prince Xander was born with a tuft of raven hair and deep-set dark green eyes. Queen Sloan was the happiest woman alive that she convinced her husband that Lady Lara ontop of her being the High Lady of Koasa, she also became the duchess of Koriah.

Lord Jean was proud of all his wife's achievements but it broke his heart that they could not conceive until they did. It was unbelievable considering the curse but it happened and Lara was overjoyed.

Lara-Jean was born a year later and coincidentally on Prince Xander's first birthday. It was a joint celebration and it was amazing.

That was the last year the kingdom of Kora had peace since then nature had turned against them.

First were the purple, blue and red lightning attacks that terrorized the entire kingdom leading to a death of a lot of people including the King's brother who had not taken down the dome yet.

Then came the tornadoes and blizzards that totally destroyed what stood and flattened the entire Kingdom, it was horrible times and they were just the beginning.

Then there were hurricanes and storms that total tore apart ships and ports. They flooded the entire kingdom, it was disaster after disaster.

The people called it Nature's warning that the coming era would be anything but peaceful and stable.

The earthquakes came later and totally shook Kora out of its core and everything fell into itself. Kora was destroyed to ashes and stones.

The dome had changed from golden to pinkish leaving the sky all pink, the sun rays were barred from getting inside that the plants died and flowers wilted.

It was the darkest years of Kora. After a decade the dome finally gave way and Kora was exposed to the world again and the world had changed dramatically.

Kora had changed as well and it had healed from its consistent disasters. After all the hell, a very beautiful, evolved and amazing Kora stood tall and proud.

But in ten years alot had changed inside Kora as well including the death of Lady Lara of Koasa.

" I am coming daddy!" Came Lara-Jean's velvet voice.

Long and wavy strawberry blonde hair came tumbling towards captain Jean, the most round and beautifulest blue sapphires were shining excitedly. Her heart-shaped lips stretched into a wide smile and in that moment she was Jean and Lara's only baby girl.

Lord Jean smiled at his little princess, they were doing exercises on the sea and it was thrilling for Lara-Jean that she tagged along everytime.

" Let's go fire away!" She punched her hand in the air and her father laughed.


The exercise had been fun especially since Captain Jean had let Lara-Jean control the ship. She did so exceptionally after watching her father do it ever since she was a child.

She was taking a shower at their palace in Koasa, her morning with her father was exactly the best way to end her summer.

Now she couldn't wait to get back to school. It was finally her first year at Idria Academy and she was looking forward to it.

For every noble, commoner and the in-betweens, the year before one turns sixteen they have to take a trial of 6months at the academy.

This period is essential for students to figure out their strengths and weaknesses. To figure out their abilities so that they find out which career they wish to pursue.

The Academy was huge and prestigious.  It was hard to get in and usually the commoners who got accepted were exceptional and had sponsorships.

Lara-Jean wanted to try out medicine like her mother but she could not handle the sight of blood and vomited her guts out.

So she changed to combat. It was fun in a way but her heart was not really into it. She tried out the Five elements combat and she loved it.

The five elements combat consisted of training on the ground, on air, on water, using fire and finally magic combat.

Lara-Jean was excellent in all of them and passed with flying colours in the training, she was now ready for the real stuff to begin.

As her thoughts veered off they settled on one thought that made her smile like a child.

It was thoughts of the hot and steamy kisses that made her toes curl, the soft caresses that made her soul sing and the massages and cuddles that made her body go mush.

They had been dating for only four months and yet, the memories they shared made her want to marry him on the spot.

Their dating was private and not really a secret, mainly because of who they were in the society. She was the heir to the Koasa continent and the duchess of Koriah, she had inherited the title from her late mother Lara.

Her boyfriend was the crown prince of Kora and the commander of the Urana Army. She spent the rest of their training months drinking in the deep set dark green eyes and sinking her hands in that soft raven hair.

They had exchanged letters and calls all summer long and she missed him dearly. She couldn't wait to be in his arms again.

Determined to return to her lover Lara-Jean finished her shower, packing and was getting ready to leave. As she walked down the shiny marble floors in the hallways to the grand living room, she watched the photos on the wall.

Each with a memory that had her smiling wistfully. She paused at the photo of her late mother. She had long and wavy strawberry hair like hers, the same heart-shaped lips and even the beautifully curved eyebrows.

She got the sapphire blue eyes from her father and his magic as well. She was a perfect mixture of the two and she missed her mother dearly.

"Lady Lara-Jean?" A soft voice called her back to the present.

It was that of her personal helping-lady, Mariah was a slender and olive skinned beauty. Her hair was pulled into a neat bun.

"Yes Mariah?" Lara-Jean regarded the girl with a pleasant smile.

" Lord George was looking for you." She informed her

"My uncle? Do you know what he needs me for?" Lara-Jean asked and got a shrug in response.

"Where is he? His office?"

The girl nodded, Lara-Jean thanked her and set her off. She left as well and headed towards her uncle's office.

It had been the three of them ever since her mother passed. Her, her father and her Uncle George.

The doors to his office were brown mahogany large and tall doors. They had delicate drawings of waves, the sun and blooming flowers.

The door-knob was a shiny golden knot, it twisted gently when Lara-Jean proceeded inside.

" Uncle?" She called when she stepped in.

" Ah Lara-Jean!come on in!" Lord George beckoned his niece to the sitting area infront of his office table.

The office was enormous with it's own library, mini kitchen and a sitting area.
There was a large brown office table that was filled with files and a laptop.

It looked like he was in the middle of something, sitting on the cushioned sofa Lara-Jean noticed grey hair on his uncle's head.

The work must be getting to him. Being the oldest son, George Claude Von Kallistia had inherited the crown to be high Lord of Koasa and had never gotten a chance to marry and have a child.

He never wanted to, all he ever wanted was to be of service to Kora and make Koasa the best continent of all. And he did with hard work and genuine effort, he was loved by his people and was the wisest man alive.

He was the King's personal advisor and hence was regarded with the utmost respect. He had taken Lara-Jean as his heir and had trained her for it.

Lara-Jean was determined to fill her uncle's shoes when the time came. She smiled at the old man sitting on the chair opposite hers.

" Busy day?" she inquired softly

" You have no idea!" He smiled at her

Lara-Jean sat by the edge of the sofa and watched his uncle for a bit. The smile was forced and his face had that familiar frown. He was worried about something.

" Come on big guy! Whats going on?you seem worried"

Lara-Jean and her Uncle were close and she addressed him by his title in public otherwise they got comfortable with each other.

" You know me well" Lord George chuckled " You are going back to school and there will be ..eh some developments when you get there."

"What kind of developments?" Lara-Jean frowned, she had a feeling she was not going to like this at all.

" Princess Veronica will be attending with you this year as an exchange student."

And there it was...the bombshell. Lara-Jean was shocked that she gaped at her uncle, just great! She was  back from the summer only to be told she had to go to school with her sworn enemy.


It was already dawn when the Koasa Air Ship landed on the roof of Idria Academy.

Lara-Jean had left Koasa after their evening meal and flew the whole night. During the entire flight she kept replaying the conversation she had with her uncle.

She was shocked and horrified to find out that Princess Veronica would join them for their first year. The girl was insufferable and just...princessy.

Lara-Jean disliked her with a passion. She had always wanted everything Lara-Jean had and she got them as well, one summer she had dressed exactly like her and got into trouble.

Lara-Jean got the blame for it and Veronica pretended she was innocent. That girl had some screw looses.

But her Uncle believed she was in trouble and that the girl at school right now pretending to be Veronica was actually someone else.

Lara-Jean found it hard to live in a world with one Veronica but 2? Good gods!!

The air ship landed and she got off. Her thoughts were all over the place that she did not realise that the was a handsome Prince waiting for her with a bouquet of red roses.

When she finally came to she smiled and ran into his arms.

Immediately the scent of honey and roses engulfed her and she melted in his arms.

"Hi baby!" Xander smiled in her hair, inhaling the familiar scent of rose shampoo.

"Hey yourself! I missed you!"

" And I missed you!" he pulled away from the hug and kissed the crown of her head.

" For you" he said in a teasing smile.

Lara-Jean blushed red as she accepted the flowers with a shy smile. Her heart was doing somersaults and her body trembled in joy.

" Aw thank you ! You look great!" She said with a bit of awe in her voice.

Xander was the Crown heir of Kora, the most wanted man and he was her boyfriend.

His raven hair was cut short exposing his handsome chiseled face, deep-set dark green eyes and his caramel skin tone. His full lips were a lighter shade of pink and kissable that Lara-Jean wanted to kiss him senseless.

Which she did and he immediately responded with just as much passion.

It was a long while before they broke apart and breathed heavily after their make out session.

" Missed me that much?" Xander was smiling and his own heart was beating faster than lightning.

The two of them were left alone at the rooftop. The maids had taken her luggage to her dorm.

"You have no idea!" She smiled at him " How was summer?"

"Mmh..not much without you. Yours?"

" It was ...thrilling! I will tell you all about it later!"

" I cant wait..um babe..there is something you need to know first about this year." Xander began and Lara-Jean sighed

" Veronica is already here isn't she?"

" You know?" Xander was relieved.

"I know."

The following morning Lara-Jean woke up excited for her first classes but she had breakfast first.

All dressed up in maroon and gold pants, a long sleeved shirt with an eye emblem and a matching coat Lara-Jean was ready for the day.

Her hair was in a high ponytail and she looked scholarly. She walked from the elite dorm rooms down the spirals of stairs towards the great hall.

A high pitched laugh caught her attention and she turned to find Veronica laughing with some girls.

Lara-Jean stared for two reasons. 1. The girl had hair just like hers, strawberry blonde and into a high ponytai 2. Her aura was thrashing as if restrained, gold and obsidian black fightingfor dominance.

Lara-Jean had a secret power her father made her promise not to reveal just yet, she could see auras and could connect  them with hers.

"Ohh Lara-Jean!" Veronica sweet voice made Lara-Jean want to puke.

"Veronica!" Lara-Jean gritted out her name

" Oh you look dashing! We have the same hair color...coping me much?" She had that annoying twinkle in her eyes that made all the hairs in Lara-Jean's body stand.

" Copying you Veronica?seriously? You are a honey blonde girl and..."

Before Lara-Jean could finish her sentence, Veronica had turned her head suddenly that her ponytail hit Lara-Jean on her face.

Lara-Jean fumed but also accidentally when the ponytail hit her face she got flashes of something pure evil that made her entire body turn into ice.

"Anyways! Breakfast !" Veronica seemed oblivious to what just happened and walked away sashaying her hips.

Lara-Jean began to suspect maybe her uncle was not totally off about this girl but her tactics were so Veronica it was maddening.

She stomped into the great hall and narrowed her eyes slightly at Veronica. The girl had perched herself right next to Xander and was batting her eyelashes at him.

Lara-Jean's hands curled into fists and her chest tightened with fury. Not this time will that wench get what was hers, she was not ten anymore. She was about to march at them when suddenly Xander looked her way.

His eyes held a plea in them and she wavered, she forced herself to take a deep breath and changed directions.

The great hall had four large tables where students sat for breakfast, lunch and dinner and one round table where the most elite of the students sat.

Veronica had taken Lara-Jean's seat next to Xander and hence Lara-Jean was forced to seat opposite them.

" How was summer LJ?" The Heiress of the West continent, Lady Lois Rhys Von Zaccha and one of her friends asked with a smile.

" Amazing!" Lara-Jean smiled widely as her childhood friend sat besides her, Lois was the only child of High Lord Eres of the West continent of Akea.

"I bet! I heard rumors that your father let you steer a certain destroyer!" chimed in one of her other friends, the second daughter of High Lord Cyrus of the Eastern continent  Azania as she joined them.

Lara-Jean was grinning " He did! It was awesome!"

" No wonder you came back radiating happiness " Xander smiled at her, he knew how it was important to her to be able to steer that destroyer in particular .

Lara-Jean stole a glance Veronica's way to find said girl looking at her with narrowed eyes and such a dark look Lara-Jean squirmed in her seat.

Whatever was going on with Veronica this year made Lara-Jean want to run away from Idria.

© nollie~nolz