

that dress
that dress that night I can't forget it that is the reason I can't go home him will you marry me yes l love you I love you to I lied I did not love him he had forced me to "love him" and I did not have a way out the night of our wedding I had a plan to run away and are you sure you want to marry him no and I ran in my blue dress get her he yeld as I got to the woods my dress got scratch up I sat down by a tree and I cried my mom sall me and said hey why did you run I said I do not want to marry him he told me if I did not he will kill you I hear a voice say ahh run mom she ran away and I did to we stopped did you hear that yes she said we looked and my dad got him as he got dragged to the cop car me my mom and dad sat and I told them all the stuff he had done and told me he is gone for good my dad said good I said as I plan my next way to get rid of boys my mom said hey isn't weird that all ur boy friend's are all crazy yes it is I said as I smiled, they didn't know that it was me the whole time let me hope that my school has more boys this year I