

Story of Dreamer Girl ( Alora)
It's a story of a dreamer girl who always use to see dreams and believe in it and work hard to get into reality . I was 20 years old when I started writings . From childhood I was in the four walls which make me to rise up as well as to give up on the life . But still I believe on my dream and wish to accomplish my dream . And today , I am here because of my dream . My name Alora was given by my teacher who always see the light of the world within me .
I was born in the country were girls have to face the restrictions but still she never used argue . Because innocent girls never like to argue . It's the wish of every girl to have freedom , right's . But if girl could have argued it would have impact on her education and would never be alived . Because the people of my country were nor had equality within a girl and boy and nor open-minded in thinking . In my country inequality was cherished and followed by every Indian . And respect was only for the boy's . That's the reason , behind my all Indian culture writings .

- Alora
story of the dreamer girl ( Alora ) # I mention myself as dreamer because I was born in the country were there was no pride and respect for a girl child # nor the right's , nor the freedom to rise up # so these is the reason behind my Indian culture writings #@Alora .
© Alora