

I knew what was happening! Life was! It was that one moment that I will never forget.
So just a few days back I was sitting in my balcony looking at my neighborhood.Everybody locked up in their houses. Not a single person was outside. I wanted to shout out and tell everyone how much I wanted to see them! I really wanted to see my friends who now because of Covid-19 are in their houses! I missed watching the chaos which was always there on the street (that is empty now). I wasn't very happy! I wanted my life back!!!
But then it struck me! The moment that I was currently in was a moment of my LIFE!!! Not a very cheerful moment, but then what could I do! Even if I cribbed about this I wouldn't get out of this situation,right!? So what's the use! Instead I could maybe wait for this moment to pass! We all have to go through different phases of our lives. A few are the happy ones whereas a few are the sad ones! But what we should keep in our mind is that these phases pass. They don't stay forever! After I realized this, I decided to not crib about my situation! Instead maybe I could thank God for this phase of my life! I know that I am becoming stronger day by day and becoming more patient in life! I want you all to be happy as well! And invest your precious time in some good activity instead of cribbing!