

Marriage Deal
"Hey if we reach the age of 30 and we still haven't found 'the one', let's marry each other"

The swing creaked as he swung himself at full force.

"That's stupid. I'm in".

It was just a stupid deal. Just another stupid memory of us together but somehow I remember it just like yesterday. On the playground one block away from both of our houses.  The sunset was beautiful then.

Fast forward to several years after that. We graduated and went different paths. I dated other people. Some serious, some just a whim but none lasted.

I was visiting my old house for the first time after moving away after graduating. So many things changed. The bakery whose bread I wholeheartedly enjoyed was gone now. Several cafes lined along the street that was once just a long patch of land. There were also old faces, some new faces; new buildings, new sceneries.

One thing didn't change though. One block away was still our favorite playground. It was slightly rundown but it was still a playground. Somehow amidst my unfamiliar hometown, this brought me a sense of home.


I was caught up in my feelings that I didn't notice the man sitting on the swings. He swung himself in full force.

"Did you remember our deal?"

I chuckled. "if we reach 30 and we still haven't found 'the one', we'll get married.

"that's right" he stopped the swing then stood up.

"so, how old are you missy?" he looked down on me with that familiar dimple grin of his.

"30. You dear sir?" I said in the mocking accent he used to hate

"31. But still counts right?"

We laughed.

He knelt on one knee. Pulled out a small box and I knew then and there.

He was the one.

"So, will you marry me?"

The sunset was even more beautiful then.

© Merii Hart