

Episode 6
Stanley graduated, Wendy also graduated. Wendy never left Stanley's mind neither did he leave her mind.Ann and Stanley stayed together for 8 months though they weren't living together.
On this faithful day, Wendy came for a friends party in Noven port land London. Is a very big place were many parties can be held in one day. Stanley also came for his friend birthday party there also. The party is over as Wendy walk towards the road side to bud a taxi home. Wendy.... She turned but didn't see anyone so she continued her walk. Wendy... the voice called again Wendy!!! he called and wave his hand so he could be seen. she walked closer so as to identify the person. Stanley she screamed and hugged him. He wanted to kiss her on her forehead but he restrained.Ann was beside him and she greeted Wendy. Where are you going to be asked. Am going home she replied. Alright let me give u a drive with my car. Wow!! you now have a car Congratulations she said.Thanks Dear he smiled. Don't worry dear let me not disturb you two Wendy said.He refuses and she agreed and took her home that was the day he knew were Wendy came from.
Stanley got home and he thought of Wendy.Ann came in but he didn't realize it because he was lost in thought. Stanley... she called and he was shocked.I know you are thinking of Wendy right? she said and walk out.Ann wasn't happy. The next day he went to Wendy's house and luckily for him her parents and siblings weren't around. She welcomed him and took him to the parlor.He refused to eat but he accepted the drink. Wendy why did you do this to me?? He said.Wendy was in tears. Stop crying bae I didn't mean to make you cry he said.Stanley you promised but you failed why?? I didn't expect that from you she said.Am sorry Wendy I was lost in control but you didn't allow me to explain and you walked me out and ran away.Am sorry she said.You know you are my life Wendy I almost lost my life when you left.Thank God you didn't because am not sure I will survive it she said.About to go home he stood up and came closer to Wendy so he could kiss her but Wendy refused by saying whatever you have in mind to do now you better swallow it because I won't allow you cheat on your babe. On hearing this Stanley knew she was referring to Ann as his girlfriend. Wendy and not in relationship with anyone.I know why you said that.She's just my friend,she keep me company and always got along with me that's all.Wendy found it difficult to believe but she later believed him and he gave her a warm kiss and left for home.
On getting home Stanley bought a gift for Ann.Hey baby this is for you..Wow she screamed and gave him a hug.Ann he called and said you know we have been friends for long so I bought that to show my love and appreciation for you.Anything you have in mind can't work out. Wendy is a God sent girl to me. But you know I love you she said. Yes I also love you for being a good companion to me.