

Glimpse, Part 5
I was enjoying our little trip, until we realized that I couldn't get any further. I was like, what the heck? Just when things started to get good, this kinda shit had to happen.

I looked to Rae-Rae, and he was confused too. Some reaper he is.

"Well", he said. "You are my very first client". And I was like, nu'uh. He was like, "Yeah". We were there, then, for probably hours.. Waiting for something to happen. Well let's just say, it was awkward.

Rae-Rae scratched his head. "So uh.. Theoretically this shouldn't happen.. You did let everything go when I picked you up, didn't you?".

Oh yeah, I definitely let go of the fact that I got killed by someone who looks exactly like me. And I definitely let go of my regrets for having you killed, for kissing your cousin. Oh yeah, definitely let go of all that. How is he a reaper anyway?

He took a deep breath and sighed, seeing my face go ultimately sarcastic. It's not my fault things had to go this awkward.

"Unfinished business it is.. Come, we could both use some rest". He took me someplace a little far from there, and I was still so amazed at how beautiful everything was.

I didn't know he was looking at me, but his smile was back when I saw him chuckle. "Beautiful isn't it? Far simpler than all the muddling technology we had back on the world of the living.. But at the same time, far more poetic!".

"Yeah.. It's.. Homey..", I said.

"It sure is.."

We flew a little further until we found a building made of light. "Here we are! Welcome to the reapers' base!".

I was amazed by how glorious the building looked. It was like a castle, made out of all the beauty in the world! As we entered, we were welcomed with cheerful greetings. Who knew, reapers would be this cheerful?

"Hey Rae-Rae, finally got your girl, son?! Having her all for yourself instead of letting her crossover, I see", said one of them. I was like, "Rae-Rae? His girl? Oh no no no, sir, dating him would be no different from incest!". And they all laughed.

"Oof, Rae-Rae, that got to sting! And people say the worst thing they can say is no. But nooo, you just gotta get burnnnnn", he said. And the others laughed again. Some of them actually pitied Rae-Rae. I did.

"What? You.. Liked me?", I asked. He cleared his throat, pretending nothing happened. "Not now, Ronho, we'd been on a long way, and we could use some rest".

" Ooh, you young people are so scandalous!", said another one. "Careful now, you do not want to force her into incest, do you?". Rae-Rae hid his face, but I saw it was as red as a berry.

Hold up. Is that why he was acting like that before he died?! God it was all my fault..

"Hey", called Rae-Rae. "Don't take them too seriously, just have a seat and relax, okay? We'll find the solution like we always did".

Oh uh.. Okay.. Okay.. " Okay..".

He liked me for real?

"I'll grab something to drink. Ronho, don't do anything weird".

This so-called Ronho was already sitting right in front of me. I was a little creeped out, but I think he meant no harm.

"So this, is the famous Nina our Rae-Rae couldn't stop talking about". He was buff, his voice was heavy, but his grin was like a child's. " Yyyyup! I'm the famous Nina..", I said awkwardly.

He saw I was getting uncomfortable, so he changed the topic. "Sorry about that.. I'm just glad to see our youngest member happy again. We tried so hard to make him smile, but it just didn't work.."

I felt bad, and I got a bit curious. "Say, what did he say about me?".

" Oh where do I start?! Fi-"

"None of your business, old man!", said Rae-Rae as he slipped a donut to the poor reaper's mouth. He was carrying a tray of cookies and two cups of glowing liquid.

"You just can't let go what happened between us, can you?", he said teasingly. "Stop acting dumb", I said, rolling my eyes. "Now, will you finally talk or what?".

Clearing his throat, which is weird since he's dead. He sent the other reapers away.

"Ronho, Sonara, all of you, could you leave us alone?"

© altairsolaris