

Day by Day u are throwing me into the trench of numbness. Now that, I have showed all my emotions to you I have nothing left.I want to cry ,I want to express all that is left in me but when I look around I found no one coz everytime the person I had around me was you .I wonder ! how of a sudden all your emotions are gone for me ?? Is it for someone new or a old one is back ? Those promises we made ,dreams we saw for us felt waffle to me.I want to talk ,talk & talk non stop with you,that how much this thing is killing me .My heart is calling for your name ,my brain is playing all that crazy sweet memories of us .I want to laugh ,I want to smile ,I want to tease you all over again. To live those moments again i go through our photographs and the stupid videos of us which we made of each other. Thousands of time I relive the moments in my mind which I lived with you .Every single thing ,place reminds me of you.I have so much to tell and so much to live but nothing to say and now u are making me love this darkness, the demons are killing me each day .Neither I wanna die nor I wanna live all I need is some long sleep coz now I am tired after chasing you .For this life I have waited too long!
© kash