

Time to get into action !
Reading a newspaper or watching news, nowadays, requires a lot of courage and patience. With news flooding with headlines like: - ‘Green casualty: Cyclone Amphan uproots 300 trees in Kolkata!’; ‘Locust swarms destroy crops across India.’;‘Nisarga causes 60 tree-fall incidents across Pune city.’;’ 40-ft whale carcass weighing 10 tonne washes ashore in Odisha.’;’ Vizag gas leak tragedy: Humans, cattle collapsed, birds too.’;’ Assam: Fire breaks out at Oil India’s gas well in Tinsukia, days after major blow out’;’ PPE Is Becoming an Environmental Problem.’, no one knows what to expect as the future holds no bound. It is disheartening to see 2020 as a year full of destruction and disaster.

The series of destruction has left thousands of questions in people's mind. What will happen to the trees that got uprooted? How will the problem of locusts be solved? How will the PPE kits be disposed of? How to reduce the increase in the number of deaths of endangered species of wildlife and aquatic animal? And most importantly when will things get back to normal?

All the events that are happening across the globe are very disturbing. The effect that these events will have on the future is beyond imagination.

Being a competent person, it is our responsibility to shape the future for the generations to come. It is us who have to face the hardship that is going on and find a proper and an adequate solution for the same. In elementary school everyone is taught about the advantages of trees, importance of water and harmful effect of disposing plastic. It is the need of the hour to educate each one that what is happening around us is not normal and we should start taking action in order to prevent and conserve the environment. The good old saying ‘Save tree, save earth’ is to be brought into action.

We cannot stop a natural disaster from occurring, but we can definitely help in minimizing the impact they have and preventing the mother nature from any man-made disaster. We, humans, should take a pledge that we will become the ‘protectors of the creation’ and plant at least one sapling a year. Just imagine, if each individual plants just one sapling today, then how many years of happiness are we creating altogether. When we plant a sapling, we plant the seed of harmony and hope.

Another important concern we need to address is the disposal of plastic wastes. With the pandemic spread across the globe, the number of use of masks, sanitisers and PPE kits etc have reached an all-time high. As many of them are made of non-bio degradable materials, proper channel and method of disposal should be followed. Or else these would lead to heavy pollution, contamination of soil and water bodies. The solution to the same is recycle, properly sanitize and reuse. And as far as possible use products made of recyclable and bio degradable material.

It is high time for us to say ‘No’ to deforestation, pollution, killing and poaching of animals. Because, if the same does not stop right away, breathing fresh air, drinking uncontaminated water would become a distant dream for our children. Not just that, but flora and fauna including the national animal of India, Royal Bengal Tiger, and the national aquatic animal of India, Ganges River dolphin, listed on the endangered species list will soon become extinct.

We, rather than questioning, should stand up and start working on it at an individual level. As it is rightly said, “If you want to save the humankind, you should first take care of Nature. It's the legacy that we leave behind, that brings us hope, that's for sure!”