

"Are there any aliens in space dad?" asked his son curiously.
"Off course not" he replied.
"Then how come you keep telling me that there could be life on some planets like us?"
He kept quiet because he knew he was lying to his son. He was simply telling him the stories which his parents used to tell him during his childhood. After the nuclear war which took centuries ago, the whole planet became inhabitable to live on surface. Only few survived who were taken into shelters which were built few hundred kilometers beneath the grounds which later evolved as a society and built whole new life for themselves by using extracted oxygen out of frozen polar ice caps.But still it was unsafe to set a foot on the surface post apocalypse.

He quietely closed the deck doors beneath crator and took his son back to their capsule.

"No! we could not sight any evidence of any living form on this planet due to high radioactive atmosphere which made it completely inhabitable according to our studies and experiments on crater we landed. The planet has polar ice caps in both hemi-spheres but the temperatures are below -500degress so there could be possibility of frozen ice and water."

This was the last message relayed by space mission in-charge who flew the first manned mission to Mars before returning to earth.

© Spiritajay