

The perfect wishes💫💫💫
Once upon a time there lived a king and a queen which lived in the kingdom of Deval. After two years of marriage queen Bella and king Justin Darth wish was to give birth to a baby boy and girl. But this year she was blessed with three girls.

The triplets name

1. Red 🔴- Alexa Darth.
2. Orange🟠 - Alexandra Darth.
3. Green 🟢 - Alexis Darth.

they all danced and jubilate for the birth of their triplets 💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🍾🍸🍾🍮🎂🍸🍾🍸🍾

Happy sweet sixteenth birthday darling's. How was your night. Did you get a nice rest. (In hurry)Don't bother standing up for your breakfast. It will be served on the bed.{🍱🍱🍱🧋🧋🧋☕☕☕} .
This evening we will be having a good time outside the palace 🏰.said Queen Darth.
OH gosh i hate birthday's, said Alexandra.
Alexa what should we do ? said Alexandra. Oh i know what to do we could run to the nearest village. While we leave a letter of finding us . With a map I guess 😏 said Alexis.
So let's plan this said Alexis . I think we can hide in Dujin a nearby village,said Alexa .
After a day of search they didn't find them but the commander said we can't give up. After two weeks they did found them outside a cottage in the village of duv.
So they brought all of the girls into the castle. When the queen saw them, she told them to wash all of the dishes. They all cried and wailing all day.😭😭
After two weeks of their punishment they were free but not to go out of the castle.
Some days later they found a Charming prince named Josh. Noted to be the son of King Dujin .

So pretty,said Alexandra
Hmmmm said Alexis
what happened to you
Nope, just hoping to get a person like him that's just it😔
Awwwn said Alexa

After a month of loneliness Alexis found some one even better than josh but his name is Alex ,Hearing this the parent where overjoyed that their wish came through . And the whole town was jelous of them because they have a lot of things in common like the same music, dance, food, and color of hair .
I was also a pain in the butt because the King was about to die . So all the villagers were worried because Alexa wasn't yet married . Unfortunately he didn't make it. They did prepare for the burrial and made sure everything was perfect and good.
On the burrial of king Justin Darth everyone wept and wondered who had a good heart like their father . I took them a month to realize that Princess Alexa had a good heart , and someone secretly broke her heart not once but twice .
Tragedy strucked a week after the king's burial and discovered she had heart attack.
The king's Royal Advisor came and told them the time for Coronation is nearby , each Princess would be put in to a test . Princess Alexa won the test and became the new Queen and a role model to the virgin ladies and lad of Deval .
Hi this is a made up stories . I watched some MSA and some Story time animated. Though it's involved romance and other stuffs
But basically I'm a Nigerian and I learnt it from some villages issues