

The Japanese Empire must be reborn
Modern nationalist movements spend too much time and effort trying to" whitewash " their country's past instead of solving real problems that are now more acute than ever.
It has become common among right-wing Japanese activists to deny or downplay the significance of such historical events as the Nanjing massacre, the forced involvement of captured Korean women in occupied Korea in prostitution, Unit 731, and so on, in an attempt to do something undoubtedly useful for their home state, but always in vain.As a result, we have two completely opposite political spectrum – one, recognizing Japanese war crimes, in view of their willlessness, are constantly seeking leniency from the peoples of the countries affected by Japanese aggression during world war II, paying outrageous indemnities and making humiliating speeches asking them to forgive the Japanese nation for all the sins of humanity – conceivable and unthinkable, seeing this as probably the key to the success of the state through the establishment of trusting relations with neighboring countries. And so, these are the very fools that the notorious Japanese government is stuffed with, doing everything to degrade Japan as a sovereign state, binding itself with obligations that restrict the political and economic freedoms of the once great state.At the other end of the spectrum are right-wing activists agitating for the fact that historical phenomena such as the 1937 Nanking massacre, the "comfort stations", the mass rape of Chinese and Korean women, the brutal torture of civilians and the extermination of non-combatants in territories occupied by the Japanese Empire, were fabricated by the Chinese and Koreans in order to shake off as much reparations as possible and put it in a humiliating position before other countries, forcing it to grovel and ask for forgiveness. As a result, they go to the other extreme, claiming that such events did not take place at all, or downplaying their significance to an inexcusable degree.In fact, the only one who puts Japan in a humiliating position is the Japanese government, which should be immediately shot for failing to fulfill its duty to the Japanese people. If the hypocrites in the government had any pride, would they have agreed to subject their home state to the burden of payments contrary to international treaties? On June 22, 1965, the Basic Treaty on relations between Japan and Korea was concluded, according to which Korea refused to demand further reparations from Japan for crimes committed by the government of The Japanese Empire on the territory of occupied Korea in the twentieth century.However, in 2007, the US House of representatives passed a resolution calling on Japan to recognize responsibility for "comfort stations" (military brothels where Korean and Chinese women were forcibly involved), and in 2007, the same resolutions were adopted in Canada and the European Parliament, as if American and European politicians have the right to decide how to act as a state that gained sovereignty with the adoption of the San Francisco peace Treaty back in 1951! But increasingly, this sovereignty seems only nominal – and now, in 2015, spineless creatures that infest the shameful Japanese Cabinet of Ministers declare their readiness to pay compensation to former workers of "comfort stations", despite the fact that this is completely contrary to the previously concluded international Treaty.It is pointless to deny the Nanking massacre that took place in China in 1937, when a huge number of civilians were victims of the merciless machine of the Japanese army, which there is a large amount of evidence, but it is also pointless for the government to feel the need to pay any compensation to China regarding this issue or any other Japanese war crimes committed on Chinese soil. When Mao Zedong came to power, he refused all reparations from the Japanese government in order to establish relations with an economically growing power that had already established good relations with Taiwan. The refusal of the PRC from reparations by Japan is clearly spelled out in the Japan-China joint communique of September 29, 1972. However, when Deng Xiaoping, who came to power after Mao, demanded compensation from Japan for war crimes, the Japanese government, having every reason to refuse this outrageous demand on the basis of the current Treaty, readily began to pay reparations to China in the form of "official development assistance". And how can you deny that the main enemy of the Japanese people is the Japanese government!?It is this shameful display of weak will that allows people who owe their cultural development to a once-mighty power to wipe their feet on it! Is this not proof that those who sit in the current Japanese government do not possess even a small fraction of the great fighting spirit of the immortal Japanese people, which is called proudly "Yamato-damasii"? Korean activists erect monuments to" comfort women " in front of Japanese embassies, burn Japanese flags in squares, and the Chinese government reprimands Japanese politicians for visiting Yasukuni Shrine to honor the memory of fearless soldiers who fell in the name of their beloved Fatherland, who were also someone's sons, fathers, and husbands, believed in Supreme justice, and without a shadow of a doubt went to certain death in the name of what they revered as imperishable truth and honor. Any attack on the honest memory of Japanese soldiers who died on the battlefield, any attempt to even hint that they are not worthy of being worshiped as deities, should always be answered harshly and even-extremely rudely, because this hurts the honor of Japan itself, the history of the Japanese nation itself and the concept of the Japanese spirit itself, which is now under attack from all sides.For Japanese nationalists, however, it is absolutely meaningless, and even extremely wrong, to deny any "war crimes" committed by Japan during the years of an unprecedented war for an idea that pales all ideas of "humanity", "leniency" and "compassion", since this was a time when the history of Asia itself, in the most absolute sense of the word, was meeting a new era of a scale that surpassed any human life; it was, in fact, a time when all the rules, foundations, laws and the very system of the universe were rewritten on a planetary level – it was a time of war for the Great East Asian Sphere of Mutual Prosperity, the construction of which could not allow even a drop of that feminine lack of will that oozes from all the cracks of the Japanese Cabinet in our time. What the Japanese Empire did in Asia of the XX century is evidence of the immense power and willpower of the mighty Japanese people, who burned out the occupying regimes of European States with fire and sword from the Asian land, which does not require any apologies or denials. The scope of what is now commonly called "Japanese war crimes" is evidence of the superiority of the Japanese nation over all other East Asian Nations and its right to lead the war for a single sovereign state that grants true freedom to the immortal Asian people from the oppression of Western powers.What nationalists who really consider themselves Japanese patriots should now focus on is the fact that the Japanese government is acting contrary to international treaties, putting the Japanese people in a humiliating position before neighboring Asian countries, and spending taxpayers ' money to pay money to former prostitutes. When the Japanese people realize this, and when the spineless amoebas are replaced by those who draw an iron line between honor and dishonor, respect and humiliation, tact and lack of will, then - and only then - will Japan be free.