

The Mind
It is said that scientists used only 10 percent of their mind. Generel people uses only 1to 2 percent. Doctors, lawyers and Engineers also fall in to the categories of only 1 to 2 percent and yet they are able to complete the task successfully. So the question is what happens to the 90 percent of brain. Probably that is unused brain. Again a question comes. Alright! So why are we not able to use remaining parts of our brain? hmm that's a good one. Perhaps we lack in focus . What do you mean by lack in focus ? Hmm You asks too much questions . Yes, We lack in focus means we are unable to concentrate on a particular topic. I know. I know you did not get my point.let me give you an example. You all must have did an experiment where you were burning a paper with the help of a convex lens. What was happening? All the rays emanating from the convex lens got concentrated at a particular point and hence makes the paper burnt. And ! And exactly opposite happens with the mind, We seldom concentrate, or put all our neurons on a particular thought. I know I know it is getting clumsy. Allright, There are three parts of mind.
1. conscious mind
2. unconscious mind
3. dormant mind
When we learn bicycle or any art or anything. It is our conscious mind. But after we learnt it. It got saved in unconscious mind. let's take another example . When we are awake , it is our conscious mind , that perceive the things and work accordingly but when we are sleep, then it is our unconscious mind that comes into play. Alright and what is dormant mind? That one has to cultivate. But how is a question? That is what the concept of third eye come into play. And when it is awake , the man rose from the status of an ordinary and becomes what people called incarnation.
Let me give you few examples to make it clear. Our ear has been designed to listen between a range. What dog could listen we can't. Cat and horse has the sixth sense. Prior coming to an earthquake, It is only the horse and the cat who all among the animals get the news first. But how, is a question. It is probably, They were able to listen something happening underneath hundreds of kilometers from the surface of earth.
Again a question comes , Does there any one who have succeeded in awakening their mind. yes not one but many. Again a question comes , Which country has produced much more persons which got awakened. It's non other than India and among all Indian states It's only the Bihar which has successfully succeeded in producing more enlightened person than any where in the world.
Gita is something that could have been only be written by a person who was enlightened. All religious book have been written by someone who is enlightened. Normal people can't understand even a word out of it, forget about writing. That is the whole tragedy.

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