

Five white ghosts
You grew up in a home with unknown elements, you can't explain but there are numerous signs that your family is not alone in that house. Food would go missing and your stuff seems to move. Is there something wrong with your head or is there something deeper to this?

All the characters and situations are fictional, nothing related to reality

That was the time when me and my family lived in the suburban, Amarpali We lived in the ancestor's house which was twenty- five year's old near the dark forest Dark forest was well known at Amarpali for it's scary noises at midnight So people of that place were scared to pass across the forest

I was born in nineteen- twenty seven at nine PM onwards at the City hospital Where everyone present such as Parent, Grandpa, Grandma,and even kosla & Kanta the caretakers of Parent, Gp, GM & house Now I was included in the family Everything was going fine until I'm sixteen except a nightmare in which I seen some white teddies eat my snacks and drink my chocolate milk in front of me & I cried aloud to see that When I grew up in the house I felt some unknown vibes following me I was confused either it was good or bad vibes Otherside, Whole family got scared of rumours about Dark Forest, they also confused either it was fake or real They hid it from me because they didn't want that I got scared to heard it I also couldn't explain but there were numerous signs that my family was not alone in that house Day by day mysterious things began to happened, my tasty mouth watering food would went missing and my stuffs seemed to moved from their places

That was sunday hot morn when Kosla prepared creamy pasta at breakfast and brought it to me She served the plate with hot chocolate at the study table Kosla called me, Rashu! baby takes your 'pasha' on time, don't be late ok! That time I was in the bathroom After some time, Kanta came to cleaned the room Kanta shouted, Baby! I cleaned your room & have your 'pasha' on time She went away for next work I laughed to heard the new word 'pasha' instead of pasta from bathroom

When I came out.... shocked to saw the scene"Hahahah..... give me one bite please..please.." They played, snatched and scattered pasta on the floor Five white big teddies did all the mess When one of teddy wanted to touched the hot chocolate I shouted in annoyed tune, "Who the hell are you? Why? Why you did trouble me? What you want?" Leader teddy asked, "Can you see us?" I replied in annoyed tune, "No! I'm blind" What? What? Nooooo.... not happens with us we are waiting for you until you turn to sixteen By the way," why you did come in my dreams? Why you did mysterious things in the house to scared me? What are you doing here in human world, it is not for ghosts? Go back to your second world"
Leader teddy persuaded, "give us chance to explain the whole story" I said, "go back! I don't see you all here again"

They felt despair to heard my hard words When I looked their withered faces my heart melted, I felt like I did something wrong to them Then, I said,"Sorry! for my rudeness Ok! Ok! Let it go, What I bring delicious food for you, guys!" They had smiled together and came near me I feared inside to saw their closeness My heartbear raised, Bp was high, pulse was running in high speed, inhalation and exhalation of breathing cooled down I gathered my energy and slowly...slowly step back Leader ghost saw me in sparkled eyes, "Are you fear from us?" "Nooo...m'm,m'm,m'm"I started to hesitating "Don't scare Rashu! We don't harm you, we are good ghost believe us" they said and hugged me At last they surprised me that wanted to be friends with me until they got their nirvana & disclosed the rumours of dark forest wasn't real They were celebrated party at every midnight in the forest and made noises In the afternoon I diclosed the truth and twisted it that the rumours were fake and noises of wild animals came at midnight from the dark forest

© rfake480