

Charles was walking alone in the terrible darkness of the night. it is not clear why he came from the devils forest. he may have a good fear, of boring disturbed by the sound of chirping or he might have cared for wild beast of prey in the forest.
bt only for a short time did those feeling last, it was as if someone following charles. he increased the pace of walk, charles knows that the speed of that sound in increasing, as if approaching him.he stopped, total sweating with fear, the limbs clasped. charles slowly regained his courageous, and decided to look back anyway. he looked back, taking a deep breath.

No one...
no one was following him.... he just turned around thinking he was scared, the place were charles was standing collapsed and went down. he didn't have time to understand what was happening. charles fell into a large pit and lost his consciousness. After a short nap charles awokeup, he dusted off all the dust on his body and looked out of the pit. it hard to come up with yet he stepped on the stones on the sides and tried to climb to the top. charles while had been taking off his legs continuously, heard a noise as he stepped on a stone.
the sound of an iron door closing for a long time. charles paused for a moment and wonderd what would happen if a door in a hole in the woods didnot burst open... the question of what would be inside charles had to get to the top of the pit quickly enough to take the risk. he began to struggle to climb to the top, That's when the light inside came on..............
