

Larona's diary
My family and I decided to go on holiday in Mumbai and it when I met Handsome's mother and she was shocked when she saw me breast feeding Warona.Handsome's mother was working in the hotel I stayed in so she asked me some questions about the baby and I told she is her granddaughter and I named her Saloni her name.Miss Saloni was happy and she held her granddaughter . Handsome was taken by his father's family and they didn't want Miss Saloni to know about his whereabouts.I felt sorry for her because she was too old to look after herself so as I was going back to school I wanted a nanny to look after my daughter so I decided her to come and live with me in dheli .My father bought a house for us , me and miss Saloni so I went back to school while she was looking after Warona and they were very close.School where closing and Handsome came and visited his mother,he was surprising his mother so when he knocked I opened the door.I was shocked so he saw his mother holding a baby and he said to me is this my baby and I told him the truth he was happy to hold his daughter . Few years later I became a pilot and he became an accounted and we got married .
The End
by: Phelang