

the winsome handsome and silly me...
My friend said I looked pretty, but I get highly irritated when people say freckles are good,once I scrubbed my face so hard that I made the skin red, they didn't come off and it always feels as if my face is still dirty, I don't like makeup and these freckles make it even worse for me...
It was always the compliments when people see me, how my curls look good with my freckles but somehow I'm so very tired of my looks, the hair that always looks messy and the freckles that make my face look always dirty...
It was another usual day how I was going down the street to catch a bus to my art academy.
I was a bit happy because mom made a chocolate cake today, I'm the kind to whom every small thing matters..
So now I took my bus and while listening to my favourite songs it took no time to reach my destination..
I entered and sat at my permanent place, the corner seat at the back so I can have a look over each and every person in class
The teacher was showing a fine piece of art it was a sketch probably from the second or third year students.
It was then kept on a chair and a young guy maybe an year or two elder than me stepped out to take it, he must be the artist who drew it , I said to myself.
To my surprise,He made his way to the back and sat just a bench before me, right next to the window.
He sat on the left corner where I usually gaze out from and he was blocking my view..
"If you look good it doesn't mean you can easily annoy me" I said to myself..
I asked him "can you please shift a bit to the right, I can't gaze out".
He replied "are you here to study arts or gaze out?" He had a deep voice enough to make me blush...
I was speechless and flustered on top of that!
I said "I.. I am here to... Ugh whatever it's none of your buisness, you have a gifted talent everyone doesn't have a way with art like you"
He turned back and might have probably seen my cheeks all red.
He said " that's the reason you are not a good artist! It's all about practice! It's my first day in your academy and you are setting a bad example for me miss. Lost in clouds!"
I gaped in anger and surprise altogether (wait wasn't he supposed to be an experienced artist? Damn..)
The teacher shouted at us "cut it down the two of you, if you're good at art,it doesn't mean you can talk between the lectures, and miss. Kelly you're supposed to tell Mr. Nicholas about the rules and regulations of this classroom if you're already talking"
"I'm sorry ma'am ,I'll tell Mr. Nicholas about the rules in the break"
Miss. Jefferson noded and motioned her hand for us to sit down.
(Ah now I'll have to spoil my lunch break over an arrogant handsome guy with a nice voice and good art skills is there any flaw to him other than that arrogance!!!, Ugh what am I even thinking)
I like to eat my lunch alone or sometimes with that girl who kinda sucks at art and always comes asking for help...
She's not a bad company just a bit talkative.
I went to my corner and sat with my lunch box, plugged my earbuds and started my favourite anime show.
In no time I felt someone sit across me, I knew it must be her or the bully here again to tease someone or whatever, that guy is considerate to me, probably because he has a crush on me or that he finds me too boring to even tease.
"Hey" a hand waved between the phone screen and my eyes, I looked up and he said
"don't you dare try ignore me after you told the teacher you'll tell me the rules"
"Oh, you! I thought there would be enough girls that'll come behind you to help you out or make friends with you ofc only bcz of your good art and looks tho"
"He made a confused face, did you just compliment me or taunt me?"
I realised I actually speak my mind to everyone and somehow I feel awkward at times bcz of this habbit..
"And yea there was a bunch of girls who came up asking me if i'd like to join them, but I skipped the offer because I thought you must be waiting for me!"
"What in the world do you have that arrogance for"
"How can you be so brave and stupid to call me arrogant" replied
I continued "if you want me to leave, i'll leave"
He said" yes, you would!"
I said" but i'm not!"
He said "yet!"

We kinda burst into a laughter saying those stolen lines from the vampire diaries..
I couldn't help myself and coverd my mouth just to avoid catching someone's attention..
They just think i'm an arrogant pretty looking person who is somehow good at art ,and they probably talk shit behind me, if only they knew i'm so insecure about both my art and my looks, they won't really bother talking about me. I just don't like anyone giving me attention and I kinda hate talking to ppl, I just thought maybe that's the case with this guy, I mean it has been only few hours since we met and i'm already with this stereotype for him, I guess I should just know him more to remove his image of mr. Arrogant handsome guy from my mind

He waved another hand at me, "hey you completely zoned out, you okay?"
"Mhmm, i'm good" I replied, I could feel a bit of concern in the way he said that .
"You sure? Cuz even when the lecture was going on and right now too, you look a bit red"
(It's because of your voice dudeee!) I wanted to scream on his face, that i'm a sucker for good voice.
I mumbled to myself,
"as a music lover and someone obsessed with asmr, I kinda always liked good voices"
"Oh so you saying i've got a good voice eh?" He replied
(Oh sike! I guess he heard me!)
"Yeah whatever, I don't lie" I said
He giggled, and said "i'm not quite the talker but if you like my voice we could be benchmates and lunch buddies"
I knew my ears would have turned red, and I just nodded in agreement..
"Ah and don't forget the rules the teacher asked you to tell me!"
"Yeah, I didn't forget" I explained everything about our academy while eating our lunch
The break was over and I also gave him a tour of the sections in the building.

(the title is quite a bit weird nvm i might change it so you can also give suggestions in comments, if you really spent your time reading please please please leave a review and a suggestion for title 😂and thanks a lot for spending all your precious time on this)
© Weirdo